A/B Testing - Experiments

This section contains guides that will help you run experiments (A/B tests) on your websites and apps using Matomo.

A/B Testing is a plugin for Matomo that can be purchased on the Matomo Marketplace. It is developed by InnoCraft, the makers of Matomo. If you want to learn more about this plugin we recommend to have a look at the developer guides, the A/B Testing User Guide and the A/B Testing FAQs.

An A/B test lets you compare different versions and see which variation makes you more successful. A/B tests are also known as experiments or split tests. In an A/B test you show two or more different variations to your users (visitors) and the variation that performs better wins. When a user enters the experiment, a variation will be randomly chosen and the user will see this variation for all subsequent visits. Experimenting in this way lets you take data-driven decisions that maximise your success.

This section contains the following developer guides that will help you running experiments:

  • Websites (JavaScript): Run experiments on your website in the browser. Follow the website implementation guide when you use the Matomo (formerly Piwik) JavaScript Tracker on your website.
  • Websites (Server-side): Run experiments server-side by using any A/B testing framework of your choice by following the server side implementation guide as long as you are also using the Matomo JavaScript tracker (works with PHP, Java, C#, Python, ...).
  • Mobile, Desktop Apps & Games: Run experiments using any A/B testing framework of your choice by following the apps implementation guide when you are using a Matomo Tracker SDK (eg Android SDK, iOS SDK, C#, PHP, Java, Python) to track your application.
  • Campaigns & Email Marketing: Track how different campaigns affect the browsing behaviour on your website by following the campaign implementation guide.

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