

Since Matomo 3.10.0

Defines a new challenge which a super user needs to complete in order to become a "Matomo expert".

Plugins can add new challenges by listening to the Tour.filterChallenges event.


The abstract class defines the following methods:

  • __construct()
  • getName() — The human readable name that will be shown in the onboarding widget.
  • getId() ash; A short unique ID that represents this challenge, for example "add_report".
  • isCompleted() — By default, we attribute a challenge as soon as it was completed manually by calling $challenge->setCompleted().
  • isDisabled() — By default challenges are enabled, if is not appropriate to display a challenge at this time because some condition has not been met then the challenge can be set as disabled by overriding this method.
  • getDescription() — A detailed description that describes the value of the action the user needs to complete, or some tips on how to complete this challenge.
  • getUrl() — A URL that has more information about how to complete the given event or a URL within the Matomo app to directly complete a challenge.
  • clearCache()
  • setCompleted() — Set this challenge was completed successfully by the current user.




The human readable name that will be shown in the onboarding widget. Should be max 3 or 4 words and represent an action, like "Add a report"


  • It returns a string value.


A short unique ID that represents this challenge, for example "add_report".


  • It returns a string value.


By default, we attribute a challenge as soon as it was completed manually by calling $challenge->setCompleted().

If we can detect whether a particular user has already completed a challenge in the past then we mark it automatically as completed. We can detect this automatically eg by querying the DB and check if a particular login has for example created a segment etc. We do this only if the query is supposed to be fast. Otherwise we would fallback to the manual way.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $login (string) —
  • It returns a bool value.


By default challenges are enabled, if is not appropriate to display a challenge at this time because some condition has not been met then the challenge can be set as disabled by overriding this method. The constructor code will still be run every time the challenges are loaded. To disable a challenge based on plugin availablilty it is better to add a check to the Piwik\Plugins\Tour\Engagement::getChallenges() method


  • It returns a false value.


A detailed description that describes the value of the action the user needs to complete, or some tips on how to complete this challenge. Will be shown when hovering a challenge name.


  • It returns a string value.


A URL that has more information about how to complete the given event or a URL within the Matomo app to directly complete a challenge. For example "add_user" challenge could directly link to the user management.


  • It returns a string value.



  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Set this challenge was completed successfully by the current user. Only works for a super user.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $login (string) —
  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.