This is a complete list of available hooks. If you are not familiar with this read our Guide about events.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Dashboard/Dashboard in line 207
Allows other plugins to modify the default dashboard layout.
Callback Signature:
string &$defaultLayout JSON encoded string of the default dashboard layout. Contains an array of columns where each column is an array of widgets. Each widget is an associative array w/ the following elements:
* **uniqueId**: The widget's unique ID.
* **parameters**: The array of query parameters that should be used to get this widget's report.
Defined in Piwik/Access/CapabilitiesProvider in line 44
Triggered to add new capabilities. Example
public function addCapabilities(&$capabilities)
$capabilities[] = new MyNewCapability();
Callback Signature:
An array of reportsUsages:
Defined in Piwik/Access/CapabilitiesProvider in line 63
Triggered to filter / restrict capabilities. Example
public function filterCapabilities(&$capabilities)
foreach ($capabilities as $index => $capability) {
if ($capability->getId() === 'tagmanager_write') {}
unset($capabilities[$index]); // remove the given capability
Callback Signature:
An array of reportsDefined in Piwik/Access in line 302
Triggered after the initial access levels and permissions for the current user are loaded. Use this event to modify the current user's permissions (for example, making sure every user has view access to a specific site). Example
function (&$idsitesByAccess, $login) {
if ($login == 'somespecialuser') {
$idsitesByAccess['view'][] = $mySpecialIdSite;
Callback Signature:
function(&$this->idsitesByAccess, $this->login]
array &$idsitesByAccess The current user's access levels for individual sites. Maps role and capability IDs to list of site IDs, eg:
'view' => [1, 2, 3],
'write' => [4, 5],
'admin' => [],
string $login
The current user's login.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Actions/Columns/ActionType in line 60
Triggered to determine the available action types Plugin can use this event to add their own action types, so they are available in segmentation The array maps internal ids to readable action type names used in visitor details
public function addActionTypes(&$availableTypes) { $availableTypes[] = array( 'id' => 76, 'name' => 'media_play' ); }
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Actions/Metrics in line 99
Callback Signature:
Bandwidth::addActionMetrics, PagePerformance::addActionMetrics
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Actions/VisitorDetails in line 296
Callback Signature:
function(&$customFields, &$customJoins)
Bandwidth::provideActionDimensionFields, Contents::provideActionDimensionFields, CustomDimensions::provideActionDimensionFields, CustomVariables::provideActionDimensionFields, Ecommerce::provideActionDimensionFields, Events::provideActionDimensionFields
Defined in Piwik/API/Proxy in line 229
Triggered before an API request is dispatched. This event exists for convenience and is triggered directly after the API.Request.dispatch event is triggered. It can be used to modify the arguments passed to a single API method.
Note: This is can be accomplished with the API.Request.dispatch event as well, however event handlers for that event will have to do more work.
Piwik::addAction('API.Actions.getPageUrls', function (&$parameters) {
// force use of a single website. for some reason.
$parameters['idSite'] = 1;
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/API/Proxy in line 304
Triggered directly after an API request is dispatched. This event exists for convenience and is triggered immediately before the API.Request.dispatch.end event. It can be used to modify the output of a single API method.
Note: This can be accomplished with the API.Request.dispatch.end event as well, however event handlers for that event will have to do more work.
// append (0 hits) to the end of row labels whose row has 0 hits
Piwik::addAction('API.Actions.getPageUrls', function (&$returnValue, $info)) {
$returnValue->filter('ColumnCallbackReplace', 'label', function ($label, $hits) {
if ($hits === 0) {
return $label . " (0 hits)";
} else {
return $label;
}, null, array('nb_hits'));
Callback Signature:
mixed &$returnedValue The API method's return value. Can be an object, such as a DataTable instance. could be a DataTable.
array $extraInfo
An array holding information regarding the API request. Will
contain the following data:
- **className**: The namespace-d class name of the API instance
that's being called.
- **module**: The name of the plugin the API request was
dispatched to.
- **action**: The name of the API method that was executed.
- **parameters**: The array of parameters passed to the API
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/API/Controller in line 195
Triggered to add or modify glossary items. You can either modify one of the existing core categories 'reports' and 'metrics' or add your own category. Example
public function addGlossaryItems(&$glossaryItems)
$glossaryItems['users'] = array('title' => 'Users', 'entries' => array(
array('name' => 'User1', 'documentation' => 'This user has ...'),
array('name' => 'User2', 'documentation' => 'This user has ...'),
$glossaryItems['reports']['entries'][] = array('name' => 'My Report', 'documentation' => 'This report has ...');
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/API/Proxy in line 649
This event exists for checking whether a Plugin API class or a Plugin API method tagged
with a @hideXYZ
should be hidden in the API listing.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/API/API in line 703
If your plugin has pages where you'd like comparison features to be disabled, you can add them via this event. Add the pages as "CategoryId.SubcategoryId". Example
public function getPagesComparisonsDisabledFor(&$pages)
$pages[] = "General_Visitors.MyPlugin_MySubcategory";
$pages[] = "MyPlugin.myControllerAction"; // if your plugin defines a whole page you want comparison disabled for
Callback Signature:
Live::getPagesComparisonsDisabledFor, MultiSites::getPagesComparisonsDisabledFor, Referrers::getPagesComparisonsDisabledFor, Transitions::getPagesComparisonsDisabledFor, UserCountryMap::getPagesComparisonsDisabledFor
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/API/ProcessedReport in line 232
Triggered after all available reports are collected. This event can be used to modify the report metadata of reports in other plugins. You could, for example, add custom metrics to every report or remove reports from the list of available reports.
Callback Signature:
function(&$availableReports, $parameters)
array &$availableReports List of all report metadata. Read the API.getReportMetadata docs to see what this array contains.
array $parameters
Contains the values of the sites and period we are
getting reports for. Some report depend on this data.
For example, Goals reports depend on the site IDs being
request. Contains the following information:
- **idSite**: The site ID we are getting reports for.
- **period**: The period type, eg, `'day'`, `'week'`, `'month'`,
`'year'`, `'range'`.
- **date**: A string date within the period or a date range, eg,
`'2013-01-01'` or `'2012-01-01,2013-01-01'`.
Defined in Piwik/API/Request in line 449
Triggered when authenticating an API request, but only if the token_auth
query parameter is found in the request. Plugins that provide authentication capabilities should subscribe to this event
and make sure the global authentication object (the object returned by StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Auth')
is setup to use $token_auth
when its authenticate()
method is executed.
Callback Signature:
The value of the token_auth query parameter.Usages:
Login::apiRequestAuthenticate, LoginLdap::apiRequestAuthenticate
Defined in Piwik/API/Proxy in line 209
Triggered before an API request is dispatched. This event can be used to modify the arguments passed to one or more API methods.
Piwik::addAction('API.Request.dispatch', function (&$parameters, $pluginName, $methodName) {
if ($pluginName == 'Actions') {
if ($methodName == 'getPageUrls') {
// ... do something ...
} else {
// ... do something else ...
Callback Signature:
function(&$finalParameters, $pluginName, $methodName)
array &$finalParameters List of parameters that will be passed to the API method.
string $pluginName
The name of the plugin the API method belongs to.
string $methodName
The name of the API method that will be called.
AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::logStartTimeOfApiCall, CustomAlerts::checkApiPermission
Defined in Piwik/API/Proxy in line 344
Triggered directly after an API request is dispatched. This event can be used to modify the output of any API method.
// append (0 hits) to the end of row labels whose row has 0 hits for any report that has the 'nb_hits' metric
Piwik::addAction('API.Actions.getPageUrls.end', function (&$returnValue, $info)) {
// don't process non-DataTable reports and reports that don't have the nb_hits column
if (!($returnValue instanceof DataTableInterface)
|| in_array('nb_hits', $returnValue->getColumns())
) {
$returnValue->filter('ColumnCallbackReplace', 'label', function ($label, $hits) {
if ($hits === 0) {
return $label . " (0 hits)";
} else {
return $label;
}, null, array('nb_hits'));
Callback Signature:
mixed &$returnedValue The API method's return value. Can be an object, such as a DataTable instance.
array $extraInfo
An array holding information regarding the API request. Will
contain the following data:
- **className**: The namespace-d class name of the API instance
that's being called.
- **module**: The name of the plugin the API request was
dispatched to.
- **action**: The name of the API method that was executed.
- **parameters**: The array of parameters passed to the API
AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::trackApiCall, PagePerformance::enrichApi
Defined in Piwik/API/Proxy in line 244
Triggered before an API request is dispatched. Use this event to intercept an API request and execute your own code instead. If you set
in a handler for this event, the original API method will not be executed,
and the result will be what you set in the event handler.
Callback Signature:
function(&$returnedValue, $finalParameters, $pluginName, $methodName, $parametersRequest]
mixed &$returnedValue Set this to set the result and preempt normal API invocation.
array &$finalParameters List of parameters that will be passed to the API method.
string $pluginName
The name of the plugin the API method belongs to.
string $methodName
The name of the API method that will be called.
array $parametersRequest
The query parameters for this request.
Defined in Piwik/ArchiveProcessor in line 598
Triggered to change which site ids should be looked at when processing unique visitors and users.
Callback Signature:
function(&$sites, $params->getPeriod(), $params->getSegment())
array &$idSites An array with one idSite. This site is being archived currently. To cancel the query you can change this value to an empty array. To include other sites in the query you can add more idSites to this list of idSites.
Period $period
The period that is being requested to be archived.
Segment $segment
The segment that is request to be archived.
Defined in Piwik/ArchiveProcessor in line 133
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/ArchiveProcessor/Parameters in line 165
Callback Signature:
function(&$idSites, $this->getPeriod())
Defined in Piwik/ArchiveProcessor/PluginsArchiver in line 91
Triggered to detect if the archiver should aggregate from raw data by using MySQL queries (when true) or by aggregate archives (when false). Typically, data is aggregated from raw data for "day" period, and aggregregated from archives for all other periods.
Callback Signature:
function(&$shouldAggregateFromRawData, $this->params)
bool &$shouldAggregateFromRawData
Set to true, to aggregate from raw data, or false to aggregate multiple reports.
Parameters $params
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Archiver in line 144
Triggered to add new RecordBuilders that cannot be picked up automatically by the platform. If you define RecordBuilders that take a parameter, for example, an ID to an entity your plugin manages, use this event to add instances of that RecordBuilder to the global list.
public function addRecordBuilders(&$recordBuilders)
$recordBuilders[] = new MyParameterizedRecordBuilder($idOfThingToArchiveFor);
Callback Signature:
An array of RecordBuilder instancesUsages:
CustomDimensions::addRecordBuilders, Goals::addRecordBuilders
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Archiver in line 166
Triggered to filter / restrict reports. Example
public function filterRecordBuilders(&$recordBuilders)
foreach ($reports as $index => $recordBuilder) {
if ($recordBuilders instanceof AnotherPluginRecordBuilder) {
Callback Signature:
An array of RecordBuilder instancesDefined in Piwik/ArchiveProcessor/Loader in line 439
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/PrivacyManager/Model/DataSubjects in line 138
Callback Signature:
function(&$idSites, $visitDates, null, null, null, $isPrivacyDeleteData = true)
Defined in Piwik/Archive/ArchiveInvalidator in line 324
Triggered when a Matomo user requested the invalidation of some reporting archives. Using this event, plugin developers can automatically invalidate another site, when a site is being invalidated. A plugin may even remove an idSite from the list of sites that should be invalidated to prevent it from ever being invalidated. Example
public function getIdSitesToMarkArchivesAsInvalidates(&$idSites)
if (in_array(1, $idSites)) {
$idSites[] = 5; // when idSite 1 is being invalidated, also invalidate idSite 5
Callback Signature:
function(&$idSites, $dates, $period, $segment, $name, $isPrivacyDeleteData = false)
array &$idSites An array containing a list of site IDs which are requested to be invalidated.
array $dates
An array containing the dates to invalidate.
string $period
A string containing the period to be invalidated.
null $segment
A Segment Object containing segment to invalidate.
string $name
A string containing the name of the archive to be invalidated.
bool $isPrivacyDeleteData
A boolean value if event is triggered via Privacy delete visit action.
Defined in Piwik/ArchiveProcessor/PluginsArchiver in line 364
Triggered right after a new plugin archiver instance is created. Subscribers to this event can configure the plugin archiver, for example prevent the archiving of a plugin's data
by calling $archiver->disable()
Callback Signature:
function($archiver, $pluginName, $this->params, false)
Archiver &$archiver The newly created plugin archiver instance.
string $pluginName
The name of plugin of which archiver instance was created.
array $this->params
Array containing archive parameters (Site, Period, Date and Segment)
bool false This parameter is deprecated and will be removed.
Defined in Piwik/AssetManager/UIAssetMerger/StylesheetUIAssetMerger in line 106
Triggered after all less stylesheets are concatenated into one long string but before it is minified and merged into one file. This event can be used to add less stylesheets that are not located in a file on the disc.
Callback Signature:
The content of all concatenated less files.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CoreHome/tests/Integration/CoreHomeTest in line 26
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CoreHome/tests/Integration/CoreHomeTest in line 34
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/AssetManager/UIAssetMerger/JScriptUIAssetMerger in line 69
Triggered after all the JavaScript files Matomo (formerly Piwik) uses are minified and merged into a single file, but before the merged JavaScript is written to disk. Plugins can use this event to modify merged JavaScript or do something else with it.
Callback Signature:
The minified and merged JavaScript.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/AssetManager/UIAssetMerger/StylesheetUIAssetMerger in line 146
Triggered after all less stylesheets are compiled to CSS, minified and merged into one file, but before the generated CSS is written to disk. This event can be used to modify merged CSS.
Callback Signature:
The merged and minified CSS.Defined in Piwik/AssetManager/UIAssetFetcher/JScriptUIAssetFetcher in line 44
Triggered when gathering the list of all JavaScript files needed by Matomo and its plugins. Plugins that have their own JavaScript should use this event to make those files load in the browser.
JavaScript files should be placed within a javascripts subdirectory in your plugin's root directory.
Note: While you are developing your plugin you should enable the config setting
[Development] disable_merged_assets
so JavaScript files will be reloaded immediately
after every change.
public function getJsFiles(&$jsFiles)
$jsFiles[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/javascripts/myfile.js";
$jsFiles[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/javascripts/anotherone.js";
Callback Signature:
The JavaScript files to load.Usages:
Actions::getJsFiles, Annotations::getJsFiles, AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::getJsFiles, Contents::getJsFiles, CoreAdminHome::getJsFiles, CoreHome::getJsFiles, CorePluginsAdmin::getJsFiles, CoreVisualizations::getJsFiles, CoreVue::getJsFiles, CustomAlerts::getJavaScriptFiles, CustomDimensions::getJsFiles, Dashboard::getJsFiles, Feedback::getJsFiles, Insights::getJsFiles, Live::getJsFiles, LogViewer::getJsFiles, Login::getJsFiles, LoginLdap::getJsFiles, Marketplace::getJsFiles, Overlay::getJsFiles, PagePerformance::getJsFiles, Referrers::getJsFiles, SEO::getJsFiles, ScheduledReports::getJsFiles, SegmentEditor::getJsFiles, TagManager::getJsFiles, Tour::getJsFiles, Transitions::getJsFiles, TreemapVisualization::getJsFiles, TwoFactorAuth::getJsFiles, UserCountry::getJsFiles, UserCountryMap::getJsFiles, UserId::getJavaScriptFiles, Widgetize::getJsFiles
Defined in Piwik/AssetManager/UIAssetFetcher/StylesheetUIAssetFetcher in line 70
Triggered when gathering the list of all stylesheets (CSS and LESS) needed by Matomo and its plugins. Plugins that have stylesheets should use this event to make those stylesheets load.
Stylesheets should be placed within a stylesheets subdirectory in your plugin's root directory.
public function getStylesheetFiles(&$stylesheets)
$stylesheets[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/stylesheets/myfile.less";
$stylesheets[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/stylesheets/myotherfile.css";
Callback Signature:
Plugin::getStylesheetFiles, Annotations::getStylesheetFiles, CoreAdminHome::getStylesheetFiles, CoreHome::getStylesheetFiles, CorePluginsAdmin::getStylesheetFiles, CoreVisualizations::getStylesheetFiles, CustomAlerts::getStylesheetFiles, CustomDimensions::getStylesheetFiles, CustomVariables::getStylesheetFiles, DBStats::getStylesheetFiles, Dashboard::getStylesheetFiles, DevicesDetection::getStylesheetFiles, Diagnostics::getStylesheetFiles, Events::getStylesheetFiles, Feedback::getStylesheetFiles, Goals::getStylesheetFiles, Insights::getStylesheetFiles, Installation::getStylesheetFiles, JsTrackerInstallCheck::getStylesheetFiles, Live::getStylesheetFiles, LogViewer::getStylesheetFiles, Login::getStylesheetFiles, LoginLdap::getStylesheetFiles, MarketingCampaignsReporting::getStylesheetFiles, Marketplace::getStylesheetFiles, MobileMessaging::getStylesheetFiles, MultiSites::getStylesheetFiles, PrivacyManager::getStylesheetFiles, ProfessionalServices::getStylesheetFiles, Referrers::getStylesheetFiles, RssWidget::getStylesheetFiles, ScheduledReports::getStylesheetFiles, SecurityInfo::getStylesheetFiles, SegmentEditor::getStylesheetFiles, SitesManager::getStylesheetFiles, TagManager::getStylesheetFiles, Tour::getStylesheetFiles, Transitions::getStylesheetFiles, TreemapVisualization::getStylesheetFiles, TwoFactorAuth::getStylesheetFiles, UserCountry::getStylesheetFiles, UserCountryMap::getStylesheetFiles, UsersManager::getStylesheetFiles, VisitsSummary::getStylesheetFiles, Widgetize::getStylesheetFiles
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Categories in line 63
Triggered to add custom subcategories. Example
public function addSubcategories(&$subcategories)
$subcategory = new Subcategory();
$subcategories[] = $subcategory;
Callback Signature:
CustomDimensions::addSubcategories, Dashboard::addSubcategories, Goals::addSubcategories
Defined in Piwik/Changes/Model in line 231
Event triggered before changes are displayed Can be used to filter out unwanted changes
Piwik::addAction('Changes.filterChanges', function ($changes) {
foreach ($changes as $k => $c) {
// Hide changes for the CoreHome plugin
if (isset($c['plugin_name']) && $c['plugin_name'] == 'CoreHome') {
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/CliMulti in line 401
Triggered to allow plugins to force the usage of async cli multi execution or to disable it. Example
public function supportsAsync(&$supportsAsync)
$supportsAsync = false; // do not allow async climulti execution
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 371
Triggered when Matomo cannot access database data. This event can be used to start the installation process or to display a custom error message.
Callback Signature:
The exception thrown from trying to get an option value.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Config/IniFileChain in line 549
Triggered before a config is being written / saved on the local file system. A plugin can listen to it and modify which settings will be saved on the file system. This allows you to prevent saving config values that a plugin sets on demand. Say you configure the database password in the config on demand in your plugin, then you could prevent that the password is saved in the actual config file by listening to this event like this:
Example function doNotSaveDbPassword (&$values) { unset($values['database']['password']); }
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Application/Kernel/EnvironmentValidator in line 116
Triggered when the configuration file cannot be found or read, which usually means Matomo is not installed yet. This event can be used to start the installation process or to display a custom error message.
Callback Signature:
The exception that was thrown by Config::getInstance()
Installation::dispatch, LanguagesManager::initLanguage
Defined in Piwik/Console in line 218
Triggered to filter / restrict console commands. Plugins that want to restrict commands should subscribe to this event and remove commands from the existing list. Example
public function filterConsoleCommands(&$commands)
$key = array_search('Piwik\Plugins\MyPlugin\Commands\MyCommand', $commands);
if (false !== $key) {
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 643
Triggered directly before controller actions are dispatched. This event exists for convenience and is triggered directly after the Request.dispatch event is triggered.
It can be used to do the same things as the Request.dispatch event, but for one controller action only. Using this event will result in a little less code than Request.dispatch.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 660
Triggered after a controller action is successfully called. This event exists for convenience and is triggered immediately before the Request.dispatch.end event is triggered.
It can be used to do the same things as the Request.dispatch.end event, but for one controller action only. Using this event will result in a little less code than Request.dispatch.end.
Callback Signature:
function(&$result, $parameters)
mixed &$result The result of the controller action.
array $parameters
The arguments passed to the controller action.
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/ControllerAdmin in line 397
Posted when rendering an admin page and notifications about any warnings or errors should be triggered. You can use it for example when you have a plugin that needs to be configured in order to work and the
plugin has not been configured yet. It can be also used to cancel / remove other notifications by calling
eg Notification\Manager::cancel($notificationId)
public function onTriggerAdminNotifications(Piwik\Widget\WidgetsList $list)
if ($pluginFooIsNotConfigured) {
$notification = new Notification('The plugin foo has not been configured yet');
$notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_WARNING;
Notification\Manager::notify('fooNotConfigured', $notification);
Defined in Piwik/Config in line 430
Triggered when a INI config file is changed on disk.
Callback Signature:
Absolute path to the changed file on the server.Defined in Piwik/Config/Cache in line 87
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Config in line 504
Triggered when the INI config file was not written correctly with the expected content.
Callback Signature:
Absolute path to the changed file on the server.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CoreAdminHome/CustomLogo in line 236
Triggered when a user uploads a custom logo. This event is triggered for the large logo, for the smaller logo-header.png file, and for the favicon.
Callback Signature:
The absolute path to the logo file on the Matomo server.Defined in Piwik/Updater in line 533
Triggered after Matomo has been updated.
CustomJsTracker::updateTracker, TagManager::onPluginActivateOrInstall
Defined in Piwik/CronArchive/QueueConsumer in line 320
This event is triggered immediately after the cron archiving process starts archiving data for a single site. Note: multiple archiving processes can post this event.
Callback Signature:
function($this->idSite, $this->pid)
int $idSite
The ID of the site we're archiving data for.
string $pid
The PID of the process processing archives for this site.
Defined in Piwik/CronArchive/QueueConsumer in line 166
This event is triggered before the cron archiving process starts archiving data for a single site. Note: multiple archiving processes can post this event.
Callback Signature:
function($this->idSite, $this->pid)
int $idSite
The ID of the site we're archiving data for.
string $pid
The PID of the process processing archives for this site.
Defined in Piwik/CronArchive in line 711
This event is triggered after archiving.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/CronArchive in line 897
Triggered by the core:archive console command so plugins can modify the priority of websites that the archiving process will be launched for. Plugins can use this hook to add websites to archive, remove websites to archive, or change the order in which websites will be archived.
Callback Signature:
The list of website IDs to launch the archiving process for.Defined in Piwik/ArchiveProcessor/Loader in line 592
This event is triggered when detecting whether there are sites that do not use the tracker. By default we only archive a site when there was actually any visit since the last archiving. However, some plugins do import data from another source instead of using the tracker and therefore will never have any visits for this site. To make sure we still archive data for such a site when archiving for this site is requested, you can listen to this event and add the idSite to the list of sites that do not use the tracker.
Callback Signature:
The list of idSites that rather import data instead of using the trackerDefined in Piwik/CronArchive in line 400
This event is triggered after a CronArchive instance is initialized.
Callback Signature:
The list of website IDs this CronArchive instance is processing.
This will be the entire list of IDs regardless of whether some have
already been processed.Defined in Piwik/CronArchive in line 356
This event is triggered during initializing archiving.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CustomJsTracker/TrackingCode/PiwikJsManipulator in line 57
Triggered after the Matomo JavaScript tracker has been generated and shortly before the tracker file is written to disk. You can listen to this event to for example automatically append some code to the JS tracker file. Example
function onManipulateJsTracker (&$content) {
$content .= "\nPiwik.DOM.onLoad(function () { console.log('loaded'); });";
Callback Signature:
the generated JavaScript tracker codeDefined in Piwik/Plugins/CustomJsTracker/TrackingCode/PluginTrackerFiles in line 87
Detect if a custom tracker file should be added to the piwik.js tracker or not. This is useful for example if a plugin only wants to add its tracker file when the plugin is configured.
Callback Signature:
function(&$shouldAddFile, $pluginName)
bool &$shouldAddFile Decides whether the tracker file belonging to the given plugin should be added or not.
string $pluginName
The name of the plugin this file belongs to
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CustomJsTracker/TrackerUpdater in line 143
Triggered after the tracker JavaScript content (the content of the piwik.js file) is changed.
Callback Signature:
The path to the new piwik.js file.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CustomJsTracker/TrackerUpdater in line 160
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/PrivacyManager/API in line 264
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 348
Triggered when Matomo cannot connect to the database. This event can be used to start the installation process or to display a custom error message.
Callback Signature:
The exception thrown from creating and testing the database
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Dimension/DimensionMetadataProvider in line 94
Triggered when detecting which log_action entries to keep. Any log tables that use the log_action table to reference text via an ID should add their table info so no actions that are still in use will be accidentally deleted. Example
Piwik::addAction('Db.getActionReferenceColumnsByTable', function(&$result) {
$tableNameUnprefixed = 'log_example';
$columnNameThatReferencesIdActionInLogActionTable = 'idaction_example';
$result[$tableNameUnprefixed] = array($columnNameThatReferencesIdActionInLogActionTable);
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Db in line 131
Triggered before a database connection is established. This event can be used to change the settings used to establish a connection.
Callback Signature:
array *$dbInfos Reference to an array containing database connection info, including:
- **host**: The host name or IP address to the MySQL database.
- **username**: The username to use when connecting to the
- **password**: The password to use when connecting to the
- **dbname**: The name of the Matomo MySQL database.
- **port**: The MySQL database port to use.
- **adapter**: either `'PDO\MYSQL'` or `'MYSQLI'`
- **type**: The MySQL engine to use, for instance 'InnoDB'
Defined in Piwik/Db/Schema/Mysql in line 483
Callback Signature:
AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::getTablesInstalled, CustomAlerts::getTablesInstalled, CustomDimensions::getTablesInstalled, Dashboard::getTablesInstalled, ExampleLogTables::getTablesInstalled, LanguagesManager::getTablesInstalled, PrivacyManager::getTablesInstalled, QueuedTracking::getTablesInstalled, ScheduledReports::getTablesInstalled, SegmentEditor::getTablesInstalled, TagManager::getTablesInstalled
Defined in Piwik/Columns/Dimension in line 730
Triggered to add new dimensions that cannot be picked up automatically by the platform. This is useful if the plugin allows a user to create reports / dimensions dynamically. For example CustomDimensions or CustomVariables. There are a variable number of dimensions in this case and it wouldn't be really possible to create a report file for one of these dimensions as it is not known how many Custom Dimensions will exist.
public function addDimension(&$dimensions)
$dimensions[] = new MyCustomDimension();
Callback Signature:
An array of dimensionsUsages:
CustomDimensions::addDimensions, CustomVariables::addDimensions
Defined in Piwik/Columns/Dimension in line 754
Triggered to filter / restrict dimensions. Example
public function filterDimensions(&$dimensions)
foreach ($dimensions as $index => $dimension) {
if ($dimension->getName() === 'Page URL') {}
unset($dimensions[$index]); // remove this dimension
Callback Signature:
An array of dimensionsDefined in Piwik/Application/Environment in line 105
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Feedback/Feedback in line 134
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Filesystem in line 56
Triggered after all non-memory caches are cleared (eg, via the cache:clear command).
Defined in Piwik/ExceptionHandler in line 187
Triggered before a Matomo error page is displayed to the user. This event can be used to modify the content of the error page that is displayed when an exception is caught.
Callback Signature:
function(&$result, $ex]
string &$result The HTML of the error page.
\Exception $ex
The Exception displayed in the error page.
Defined in Piwik/Http in line 332
Triggered to send an HTTP request. Allows plugins to resolve the HTTP request themselves or to find out when an HTTP request is triggered to log this information for example to a monitoring tool.
Callback Signature:
function($aUrl, $httpEventParams, &$response, &$status, &$headers)
string $url
The URL that needs to be requested
array $params
HTTP params like
- 'httpMethod' (eg GET, POST, ...),
- 'body' the request body if the HTTP method needs to be posted
- 'userAgent'
- 'timeout' After how many seconds a request should time out
- 'headers' An array of header strings like array('Accept-Language: en', '...')
- 'verifySsl' A boolean whether SSL certificate should be verified
- 'destinationPath' If set, the response of the HTTP request should be saved to this file
string &$response A plugin listening to this event should assign the HTTP response it received to this variable, for example "{value: true}"
string &$status A plugin listening to this event should assign the HTTP status code it received to this variable, for example "200"
array &$headers A plugin listening to this event should assign the HTTP headers it received to this variable, eg array('Content-Length' => '5')
Defined in Piwik/Http in line 816
Triggered when an HTTP request finished. A plugin can for example listen to this and alter the response, status code, or finish a timer in case the plugin is measuring how long it took to execute the request
Callback Signature:
function($aUrl, $httpEventParams, &$response, &$status, &$headers)
string $url
The URL that needs to be requested
array $params
HTTP params like
- 'httpMethod' (eg GET, POST, ...),
- 'body' the request body if the HTTP method needs to be posted
- 'userAgent'
- 'timeout' After how many seconds a request should time out
- 'headers' An array of header strings like array('Accept-Language: en', '...')
- 'verifySsl' A boolean whether SSL certificate should be verified
- 'destinationPath' If set, the response of the HTTP request should be saved to this file
string &$response The response of the HTTP request, for example "{value: true}"
string &$status The returned HTTP status code, for example "200"
array &$headers The returned headers, eg array('Content-Length' => '5')
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Insights/API in line 68
Triggered to gather all reports to be displayed in the "Insight" and "Movers And Shakers" overview reports. Plugins that want to add new reports to the overview should subscribe to this event and add reports to the incoming array. API parameters can be configured as an array optionally.
public function addReportToInsightsOverview(&$reports)
$reports['Actions_getPageUrls'] = array();
$reports['Actions_getDownloads'] = array('flat' => 1, 'minGrowthPercent' => 60);
Callback Signature:
Actions::addReportToInsightsOverview, MarketingCampaignsReporting::addReportToInsightsOverview, Referrers::addReportToInsightsOverview, UserCountry::addReportToInsightsOverview
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Installation/Controller in line 443
Triggered on initialization of the form to customize default Matomo settings (at the end of the installation process).
Callback Signature:
GeoIp2::installationFormInit, PrivacyManager::installationFormInit
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Installation/Controller in line 454
Triggered on submission of the form to customize default Matomo settings (at the end of the installation process).
Callback Signature:
GeoIp2::installationFormSubmit, PrivacyManager::installationFormSubmit
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/LanguagesManager/API in line 93
Hook called after loading available language files. Use this hook to customise the list of languagesPath available in Matomo.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Live/ProfileSummaryProvider in line 59
Triggered to add new live profile summaries. Example
public function addProfileSummary(&$profileSummaries)
$profileSummaries[] = new MyCustomProfileSummary();
Callback Signature:
An array of profile summariesDefined in Piwik/Plugins/Live/Visitor in line 71
Triggered to add new visitor details that cannot be picked up by the platform automatically. Example
public function addVisitorDetails(&$visitorDetails)
$visitorDetails[] = new CustomVisitorDetails();
Callback Signature:
An array of visitorDetailsDefined in Piwik/Plugins/Live/Model in line 490
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Live/ProfileSummaryProvider in line 81
Triggered to filter / restrict profile summaries. Example
public function filterProfileSummary(&$profileSummaries)
foreach ($profileSummaries as $index => $profileSummary) {
if ($profileSummary->getId() === 'myid') {}
unset($profileSummaries[$index]); // remove all summaries having this ID
Callback Signature:
An array of profile summariesDefined in Piwik/Plugins/Live/Visitor in line 99
Triggered to filter / restrict vistor details. Example
public function filterVisitorDetails(&$visitorDetails)
foreach ($visitorDetails as $index => $visitorDetail) {
if (strpos(get_class($visitorDetail), 'MyPluginName') !== false) {}
unset($visitorDetails[$index]); // remove all visitor details for a specific plugin
Callback Signature:
An array of visitorDetailsDefined in Piwik/Plugins/Live/VisitorFactory in line 40
Triggered while visit is filtering in live plugin. Subscribers to this event can force the use of a custom visitor object that extends from \Piwik\Plugins\Live\VisitorInterface.
Callback Signature:
function(&$visitor, $visitorRawData)
\Piwik\Plugins\Live\VisitorInterface &$visitor Initialized to null, but can be set to a new visitor object. If it isn't modified Matomo uses the default class.
array $visitorRawData
Raw data using in Visitor object constructor.
Defined in Piwik/Session/SessionInitializer in line 58
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/SessionInitializer in line 130
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Session/SessionInitializer in line 37
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/SessionInitializer in line 109
Callback Signature:
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 73
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 81
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 86
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 94
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 99
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 107
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 112
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 117
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 127
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 132
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 142
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 147
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 157
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Integration/Security/LoginFromAnotherCountryTest in line 162
Callback Signature:
Login::checkLoginFromAnotherCountry, TwoFactorAuth::onSuccessfulSession
Defined in Piwik/Session/SessionInitializer in line 41
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/SessionInitializer in line 113
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/Controller in line 607
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/PasswordResetter in line 188
Triggered after a user cancelled a password reset process.
Callback Signature:
The user's login.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/PasswordResetter in line 309
Triggered after a user confirmed/completed a password reset process.
Callback Signature:
The user's login.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/PasswordResetter in line 246
Triggered after a user initiated a password reset process.
Callback Signature:
The user's login.Defined in Piwik/Piwik in line 312
Triggered to check if a password confirmation for a user is required. This event can be used in custom login plugins to skip the password confirmation checks for certain users, where e.g. no password would be available.
Attention: Use this event wisely. Disabling password confirmation decreases the security.
Callback Signature:
function(&$requiresPasswordConfirmation, $login]
bool &$requiresPasswordConfirmation
Indicates if the password should be checked or not
string $login
Login of a user the password should be confirmed for
Defined in Piwik/Mail in line 295
This event is posted right before an email is sent. You can use it to customize the email by, for example, replacing the subject/body, changing the from address, etc.
Callback Signature:
The Mail instance that is about to be sent.Defined in Piwik/Mail in line 407
This event is posted before sending an email. You can use it to abort sending a specific email, if you want.
Callback Signature:
function(&$shouldSendMail, $mail]
bool &$shouldSendMail Whether to send this email or not. Set to false to skip sending.
Mail $mail
The Mail instance that will be sent.
Defined in Piwik/Settings/Measurable/MeasurableSettings in line 138
Triggered after a plugin settings have been updated. Example
Piwik::addAction('MeasurableSettings.updated', function (MeasurableSettings $settings) {
$value = $settings->someSetting->getValue();
// Do something with the new setting value
Callback Signature:
function($this, $this->idSite)
The plugin settings object.Defined in Piwik/Columns/MetricsList in line 153
Triggered to add new metrics that cannot be picked up automatically by the platform. This is useful if the plugin allows a user to create metrics dynamically. For example CustomDimensions or CustomVariables.
public function addMetric(&$list)
$list->addMetric(new MyCustomMetric());
Callback Signature:
function($list, $computedFactory)
An instance of the MetricsList. You can add metrics to the list this way.Usages:
CoreHome::addComputedMetrics, Ecommerce::addComputedMetrics, Goals::addComputedMetrics
Defined in Piwik/Columns/MetricsList in line 129
Triggered to add new metrics that cannot be picked up automatically by the platform. This is useful if the plugin allows a user to create metrics dynamically. For example CustomDimensions or CustomVariables.
public function addMetric(&$list)
$list->addMetric(new MyCustomMetric());
Callback Signature:
An instance of the MetricsList. You can add metrics to the list this way.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Columns/MetricsList in line 167
Triggered to filter metrics. Example
public function removeMetrics(Piwik\Columns\MetricsList $list)
$list->remove($category='General_Visits'); // remove all metrics having this category
Callback Signature:
An instance of the MetricsList. You can change the list of metrics this way.Defined in Piwik/Metrics in line 580
Use this event to register translations for metrics documentation processed by your plugin.
Callback Signature:
The array mapping of column_name => Plugin_TranslationForColumnDocumentationUsages:
Actions::addMetricDocumentationTranslations, Contents::addMetricDocumentationTranslations, Events::addMetricDocumentationTranslations
Defined in Piwik/Metrics in line 406
Use this event to notify Matomo of the semantic types of metrics your plugin adds. A metric's semantic type is metadata used primarily in integrations with Matomo and third party services/applications. It provides information that can be used to determine how to display or use the information.
It is recommended for your plugin to provide this information so users of third party services that connect with Matomo can make full use of the data your plugin tracks.
See Metrics for the list of available semantic types.
Callback Signature:
The array mapping of metric_name => metric semantic typeUsages:
Actions::addMetricSemanticTypes, Bandwidth::addMetricSemanticTypes, Contents::addMetricSemanticTypes, Events::addMetricSemanticTypes, Goals::addMetricSemanticTypes, PagePerformance::addMetricSemanticTypes, Referrers::addMetricSemanticTypes, VisitFrequency::addMetricSemanticTypes
Defined in Piwik/Metrics in line 466
Use this event to register translations for metrics processed by your plugin.
Callback Signature:
The array mapping of column_name => Plugin_TranslationForColumnUsages:
Actions::addMetricTranslations, Bandwidth::addMetricTranslations, Contents::addMetricTranslations, DevicePlugins::addMetricTranslations, Events::addMetricTranslations, Goals::addMetricTranslations, MultiSites::addMetricTranslations, PagePerformance::addMetricTranslations, Referrers::getDefaultMetricTranslations, VisitFrequency::addMetricTranslations
Defined in Piwik/Metrics in line 331
Use this event to define units for custom metrics used in evolution graphs and row evolution only.
Callback Signature:
function(&$unit, $column, $idSite]
string &$unit
should hold the unit (e.g. %, €, s or empty string)
string $column
name of the column to determine
string $idSite
id of the current site
Defined in Piwik/Metrics in line 288
Use this event to define if a lower value of a metric is better.
Callback Signature:
function(&$isLowerBetter, $column]
string &$isLowerBetter
should be set to a boolean indicating if lower is better
string $column
name of the column to determine
public function checkIsLowerMetricValueBetter(&$isLowerBetter, $metric) { if ($metric === 'position') { $isLowerBetter = true; } }
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/MobileMessaging/API in line 245
Triggered after a phone number has been deleted. This event should be used to clean up any data that is related to the now deleted phone number. The ScheduledReports plugin, for example, uses this event to remove the phone number from all reports to make sure no text message will be sent to this phone number. Example
public function deletePhoneNumber($phoneNumber)
Callback Signature:
The phone number that was just deleted.Usages:
CustomAlerts::removePhoneNumberFromAllAlerts, ScheduledReports::deletePhoneNumber
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/MultiSites/API in line 644
Triggered to filter / restrict which rows should be included in the MultiSites (All Websites Dashboard) totals calculation Example
public function filterMultiSitesRows(&$rows)
foreach ($rows as $index => $row) {
if ($row->getColumn('label') === 5) {
unset($rows[$index]); // remove idSite 5 from totals
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/MultiSites/API in line 124
This event can be used to manipulate the sites being displayed on all websites dashboard. Example
Piwik::addAction('MultiSites.filterSites', function (&$idSites) {
$idSites = array_filter($idSites, function($idSite) {
return $idSite !== 1
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Widgetize/tests/System/WidgetTest in line 64
Plugin::detectIsApiRequest, CoreUpdater::updateCheck, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, UsersManager::onPlatformInitialized
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 465
Triggered after the platform is initialized and after the user has been authenticated, but before the platform has handled the request. Matomo uses this event to check for updates to Matomo.
Plugin::detectIsApiRequest, CoreUpdater::updateCheck, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, UsersManager::onPlatformInitialized
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/tests/Integration/Context/WebContextTest in line 95
Callback Signature:
CorePluginsAdmin::onPluginActivated, CustomJsTracker::updateTracker, Marketplace::removePluginTrialRequest, TagManager::onPluginActivated
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Manager in line 762
Event triggered after a plugin has been activated.
Callback Signature:
The plugin that has been activated.Usages:
CorePluginsAdmin::onPluginActivated, CustomJsTracker::updateTracker, Marketplace::removePluginTrialRequest, TagManager::onPluginActivated
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Manager in line 583
Event triggered after a plugin has been deactivated.
Callback Signature:
The plugin that has been deactivated.Usages:
CorePluginsAdmin::removePluginChanges, CustomJsTracker::updateTracker, TagManager::onPluginActivateOrInstall
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Manager in line 1444
Event triggered after a new plugin has been installed. Note: Might be triggered more than once if the config file is not writable
Callback Signature:
The plugin that has been installed.Usages:
CustomJsTracker::updateTracker, Marketplace::removePluginTrialRequest, TagManager::onPluginActivateOrInstall
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Manager in line 672
Event triggered after a plugin has been uninstalled.
Callback Signature:
The plugin that has been uninstalled.Usages:
CustomJsTracker::updateTracker, TagManager::onPluginActivateOrInstall
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/PrivacyManager/Model/DataSubjects in line 119
Lets you delete data subjects to make your plugin GDPR compliant. This can be useful if you have developed a plugin which stores any data for visits but doesn't use any core logic to store this data. If core API's are used, for example log tables, then the data may be deleted automatically.
public function deleteDataSubjects(&$result, $visitsToDelete)
$numDeletes = $this->deleteVisits($visitsToDelete)
$result['myplugin'] = $numDeletes;
Callback Signature:
function(&$results, $visits]
array &$results An array storing the result of how much data was deleted for .
array &$visits An array with multiple visit entries containing an idvisit and idsite each. The data for these visits is requested to be deleted.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/PrivacyManager/LogDataPurger in line 105
Triggered when a plugin is supposed to delete log/raw data that is older than a certain amount of days. Example
public function deleteLogsOlderThan($dateUpperLimit, $deleteLogsOlderThan)
Db::query('DELETE FROM mytable WHERE creation_date < ' . $dateUpperLimit->getDateTime());
Callback Signature:
function($dateUpperLimit, $deleteLogsOlderThan)
Date $dateUpperLimit
A date where visits that occur before this time should be deleted.
int $deleteLogsOlderThan
The number of days after which log entries are considered old.
Visits and related data whose age is greater than this number will be purged.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/PrivacyManager/Model/DataSubjects in line 459
Lets you enrich the data export for one or multiple data subjects to make your plugin GDPR compliant. This can be useful if you have developed a plugin which stores any data for visits but doesn't use any core logic to store this data. If core API's are used, for example log tables, then the data may be exported automatically.
public function exportDataSubjects(&export, $visitsToExport)
$export['myplugin'] = array();
foreach($visitsToExport as $visit) {
$export['myplugin'][] = 'exported data';
Callback Signature:
function(&$results, $visits]
array &$results An array containing the exported data subjects.
array &$visits An array with multiple visit entries containing an idvisit and idsite each. The data for these visits is requested to be exported.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/PrivacyManager/DoNotTrackHeaderChecker in line 76
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Provider/Provider in line 88
Triggered when prettifying a hostname string. This event can be used to customize the way a hostname is displayed in the Providers report.
public function getCleanHostname(&$cleanHostname, $hostname)
if ('' == $hostname) {
$cleanHostname = '';
Callback Signature:
function(&$cleanHostname, $hostname]
string &$cleanHostname The hostname string to display. Set by the event handler.
string $hostname
The full hostname.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Referrers/SearchEngine in line 66
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Referrers/Social in line 64
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/ReportsProvider in line 142
Triggered to add new reports that cannot be picked up automatically by the platform. This is useful if the plugin allows a user to create reports / dimensions dynamically. For example CustomDimensions or CustomVariables. There are a variable number of dimensions in this case and it wouldn't be really possible to create a report file for one of these dimensions as it is not known how many Custom Dimensions will exist.
public function addReport(&$reports)
$reports[] = new MyCustomReport();
Callback Signature:
An array of reportsUsages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/ReportsProvider in line 164
Triggered to filter / restrict reports. Example
public function filterReports(&$reports)
foreach ($reports as $index => $report) {
if ($report->getCategoryId() === 'General_Actions') {
unset($reports[$index]); // remove all reports having this action
Callback Signature:
An array of reportsUsages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/SubscriptionModel in line 95
Callback Signature:
function($reportfunction('idreport'], $email]
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/tests/Integration/SitesManagerTest in line 92
Callback Signature:
function(&$module, &$action, &$params]
CustomAlerts::checkControllerPermission, Installation::dispatchIfNotInstalledYet, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, Marketplace::createPluginTrialNotification, SitesManager::redirectDashboardToWelcomePage
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/tests/Integration/SitesManagerTest in line 112
Callback Signature:
function(&$module, &$action, &$params]
CustomAlerts::checkControllerPermission, Installation::dispatchIfNotInstalledYet, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, Marketplace::createPluginTrialNotification, SitesManager::redirectDashboardToWelcomePage
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/tests/Integration/SitesManagerTest in line 132
Callback Signature:
function(&$module, &$action, &$params]
CustomAlerts::checkControllerPermission, Installation::dispatchIfNotInstalledYet, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, Marketplace::createPluginTrialNotification, SitesManager::redirectDashboardToWelcomePage
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/tests/Integration/SitesManagerTest in line 152
Callback Signature:
function(&$module, &$action, &$params]
CustomAlerts::checkControllerPermission, Installation::dispatchIfNotInstalledYet, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, Marketplace::createPluginTrialNotification, SitesManager::redirectDashboardToWelcomePage
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/tests/Integration/SitesManagerTest in line 173
Callback Signature:
function(&$module, &$action, &$params]
CustomAlerts::checkControllerPermission, Installation::dispatchIfNotInstalledYet, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, Marketplace::createPluginTrialNotification, SitesManager::redirectDashboardToWelcomePage
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 625
Triggered directly before controller actions are dispatched. This event can be used to modify the parameters passed to one or more controller actions and can be used to change the controller action being dispatched to.
Callback Signature:
function(&$module, &$action, &$parameters)
string &$module The name of the plugin being dispatched to.
string &$action The name of the controller method being dispatched to.
array &$parameters The arguments passed to the controller action.
CustomAlerts::checkControllerPermission, Installation::dispatchIfNotInstalledYet, LanguagesManager::initLanguage, Marketplace::createPluginTrialNotification, SitesManager::redirectDashboardToWelcomePage
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TwoFactorAuth/tests/System/TwoFactorAuthTest in line 65
Callback Signature:
function(&$html, 'module', 'action', function())
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 670
Triggered after a controller action is successfully called. This event can be used to modify controller action output (if any) before the output is returned.
Callback Signature:
function(&$result, $module, $action, $parameters)
mixed &$result The controller action result.
array $parameters
The arguments passed to the controller action.
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 386
Triggered just after the platform is initialized and plugins are loaded. This event can be used to do early initialization.
Note: At this point the user is not authenticated yet.
CoreUpdater::dispatch, LanguagesManager::initLanguage
Defined in Piwik/API/Request in line 174
This event is posted in the Request dispatcher and can be used to overwrite the Module and Action to dispatch. This is useful when some Controller methods or API methods have been renamed or moved to another plugin.
Callback Signature:
function(&$module, &$action)
Referrers::renameDeprecatedModuleAndAction, RssWidget::renameExampleRssWidgetModule, ScheduledReports::renameDeprecatedModuleAndAction
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/API/tests/Integration/APITest in line 88
Login::onInitAuthenticationObject, LoginLdap::initAuthenticationObject
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/BulkTracking/Tracker/Handler in line 127
Login::onInitAuthenticationObject, LoginLdap::initAuthenticationObject
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/Request in line 224
Login::onInitAuthenticationObject, LoginLdap::initAuthenticationObject
Defined in Piwik/Console in line 324
Login::onInitAuthenticationObject, LoginLdap::initAuthenticationObject
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 754
Triggered before the user is authenticated, when the global authentication object should be created. Plugins that provide their own authentication implementation should use this event to set the global authentication object (which must derive from Auth).
Piwik::addAction('Request.initAuthenticationObject', function() {
StaticContainer::getContainer()->set('Piwik\Auth', new MyAuthImplementation());
Login::onInitAuthenticationObject, LoginLdap::initAuthenticationObject
Defined in Piwik/API/Request in line 727
After an API method returns a value, the value is post processed (eg, rows are sorted
based on the filter_sort_column
query parameter, rows are truncated based on the
parameters, amongst other things). If you're creating a plugin that needs to disable post processing entirely for
certain requests, use this event.
Callback Signature:
function(&$shouldDisable, $this->request]
bool &$shouldDisable Set this to true to disable datatable post processing for a request.
array $request
The request parameters.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 980
Triggered when we're determining if a scheduled report transport medium can handle sending multiple Matomo reports in one scheduled report or not. Plugins that provide their own transport mediums should use this event to specify whether their backend can send more than one Matomo report at a time.
Callback Signature:
function(&$allowMultipleReports, $reportType]
bool &$allowMultipleReports Whether the backend type can handle multiple Matomo reports or not.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
MobileMessaging::allowMultipleReports, ScheduledReports::allowMultipleReports
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 561
Triggered when obtaining a renderer instance based on the scheduled report output format. Plugins that provide new scheduled report output formats should use this event to handle their new report formats.
Callback Signature:
function(&$reportRenderer, $reportType, $outputType, $report]
\ReportRenderer &$reportRenderer This variable should be set to an instance that extends \Piwik\ReportRenderer by one of the event subscribers.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
string $outputType
The output format of the report, eg, 'html'
, 'pdf'
, etc.
array &$report
An array describing the scheduled report that is being
MobileMessaging::getRendererInstance, ScheduledReports::getRendererInstance
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 1027
Triggered when gathering all available scheduled report formats. Plugins that provide their own scheduled report format should use this event to make their format available.
Callback Signature:
function(&$reportFormats, $reportType]
array &$reportFormats An array mapping string IDs for each available scheduled report format with icon paths for those formats. Add your new format's ID to this array.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
MobileMessaging::getReportFormats, ScheduledReports::getReportFormats
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 952
TODO: change this event so it returns a list of API methods instead of report metadata arrays. Triggered when gathering the list of Matomo reports that can be used with a certain transport medium.
Plugins that provide their own transport mediums should use this event to list the Matomo reports that their backend supports.
Callback Signature:
function(&$availableReportMetadata, $reportType, $idSite]
array &$availableReportMetadata An array containing report metadata for each supported report.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
int $idSite
The ID of the site we're getting available reports for.
MobileMessaging::getReportMetadata, ScheduledReports::getReportMetadata
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 771
Triggered when gathering the available parameters for a scheduled report type. Plugins that provide their own scheduled report transport mediums should use this event to list the available report parameters for their transport medium.
Callback Signature:
function(&$availableParameters, $reportType]
array &$availableParameters
The list of available parameters for this report type.
This is an array that maps parameter IDs with a boolean
that indicates whether the parameter is mandatory or not.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
MobileMessaging::getReportParameters, ScheduledReports::getReportParameters
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 1058
Triggered when getting the list of recipients of a scheduled report. Plugins that provide their own scheduled report transport medium should use this event to extract the list of recipients their backend's specific scheduled report format.
Callback Signature:
function(&$recipients, $reportfunction('type'], $report]
array &$recipients An array of strings describing each of the scheduled reports recipients. Can be, for example, a list of email addresses or phone numbers or whatever else your plugin uses.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
array $report
An array describing the scheduled report that is being
MobileMessaging::getReportRecipients, ScheduledReports::getReportRecipients
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 1003
Triggered when gathering all available transport mediums. Plugins that provide their own transport mediums should use this event to make their medium available.
Callback Signature:
MobileMessaging::getReportTypes, ScheduledReports::getReportTypes
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 539
Triggered when generating the content of scheduled reports. This event can be used to modify the report data or report metadata of one or more reports in a scheduled report, before the scheduled report is rendered and delivered.
TODO: list data available in $report or make it a new class that can be documented (same for all other events that use a $report)
Callback Signature:
function(&$processedReports, $reportType, $outputType, $report]
array &$processedReports The list of processed reports in the scheduled report. Entries includes report data and metadata for each report.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the scheduled report will be sent, eg,
or 'email'
string $outputType
The output format of the report, eg, 'html'
, 'pdf'
, etc.
array $report
An array describing the scheduled report that is being
PagePerformance::processReports, ScheduledReports::processReports
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 705
Triggered when sending scheduled reports. Plugins that provide new scheduled report transport mediums should use this event to send the scheduled report.
Callback Signature:
function(&$reportType, $report, $contents, $filename = basename($outputFilename), $prettyDate, $reportSubject, $reportTitle, $additionalFiles, \Piwik\Period\Factory::build($reportfunction('period_param'], $date), $force]
string &$reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
array &$report
An array describing the scheduled report that is being
string $contents
The contents of the scheduled report that was generated
and now should be sent.
string $filename
The path to the file where the scheduled report has
been saved.
string $prettyDate
A prettified date string for the data within the
scheduled report.
string $reportSubject
A string describing what's in the scheduled
string $reportTitle
The scheduled report's given title (given by a Matomo user).
array $additionalFiles
The list of additional files that should be
sent with this report.
Period $period
The period for which the report has been generated.
boolean $force
A report can only be sent once per period. Setting this to true
will force to send the report even if it has already been sent.
MobileMessaging::sendReport, ScheduledReports::sendReport
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/API in line 798
Triggered when validating the parameters for a scheduled report. Plugins that provide their own scheduled reports backend should use this event to validate the custom parameters defined with ScheduledReports::getReportParameters().
Callback Signature:
function(&$parameters, $reportType]
array &$parameters
The list of parameters for the scheduled report.
string $reportType
A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
or 'email'
MobileMessaging::validateReportParameters, ScheduledReports::validateReportParameters
Defined in Piwik/Scheduler/Scheduler in line 362
Triggered directly before a scheduled task is executed
Callback Signature:
The task that is about to be executedUsages:
Defined in Piwik/Scheduler/Scheduler in line 391
Triggered after a scheduled task is successfully executed. You can use the event to execute for example another task whenever a specific task is executed or to clean up certain resources.
Callback Signature:
The task that was just executedUsages:
Defined in Piwik/Scheduler/Scheduler in line 181
Triggered before a task is executed. A plugin can listen to it and modify whether a specific task should be executed or not. This way you can force certain tasks to be executed more often or for example to be never executed.
Callback Signature:
function(&$shouldExecuteTask, $task)
bool &$shouldExecuteTask Decides whether the task will be executed.
Task $task
The task that is about to be executed.
Defined in Piwik/Segment/SegmentsList in line 130
Triggered to add custom segment definitions. Example
public function addSegments(&$segments)
$segment = new Segment();
$segment->setName('My Segment Name');
$segments[] = $segment;
Callback Signature:
An instance of the SegmentsList. You can add segments to the list this way.Defined in Piwik/Segment/SegmentsList in line 148
Triggered to filter segment definitions. Example
public function filterSegments(&$segmentList)
Callback Signature:
An instance of the SegmentsList.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SegmentEditor/API in line 218
Triggered before a segment is deleted or made invisible. This event can be used by plugins to throw an exception or do something else.
Callback Signature:
The ID of the segment being deleted.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SegmentEditor/API in line 283
Triggered before a segment is modified. This event can be used by plugins to throw an exception or do something else.
Callback Signature:
function($idSegment, $bind)
The ID of the segment which visibility is reduced.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/SettingsPiwik in line 104
Triggered during the cron archiving process to collect segments that should be pre-processed for all websites. The archiving process will be launched for each of these segments when archiving data. This event can be used to add segments to be pre-processed. If your plugin depends on data from a specific segment, this event could be used to provide enhanced performance.
Note: If you just want to add a segment that is managed by the user, use the SegmentEditor API.
Piwik::addAction('Segments.getKnownSegmentsToArchiveAllSites', function (&$segments) {
$segments[] = 'country=jp;city=Tokyo';
Callback Signature:
array &$segmentsToProcess List of segment definitions, eg,
Add segments to this array in your event handler.
Defined in Piwik/SettingsPiwik in line 154
Triggered during the cron archiving process to collect segments that should be pre-processed for one specific site. The archiving process will be launched for each of these segments when archiving data for that one site. This event can be used to add segments to be pre-processed for one site.
Note: If you just want to add a segment that is managed by the user, you should use the SegmentEditor API.
Piwik::addAction('Segments.getKnownSegmentsToArchiveForSite', function (&$segments, $idSite) {
$segments[] = 'country=jp;city=Tokyo';
Callback Signature:
function(&$segments, $idSite)
array &$segmentsToProcess List of segment definitions, eg,
Add segments to this array in your event handler.
int $idSite
The ID of the site to get segments for.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SEO/Metric/Aggregator in line 58
Use this event to register new SEO metrics providers.
Callback Signature:
Contains an array of Piwik\Plugins\SEO\Metric\MetricsProvider instances.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/API in line 788
Triggered after a site has been added.
Callback Signature:
The ID of the site that was added.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/API in line 901
Triggered after a site has been deleted. Plugins can use this event to remove site specific values or settings, such as removing all goals that belong to a specific website. If you store any data related to a website you should clean up that information here.
Callback Signature:
The ID of the site being deleted.Usages:
CustomAlerts::deleteAlertsForSite, CustomDimensions::deleteCustomDimensionDefinitionsForSite, Goals::deleteSiteGoals, ScheduledReports::deleteSiteReport, SegmentEditor::onDeleteSite, SitesManager::onSiteDeleted, TagManager::onSiteDeleted, UsersManager::deleteSite
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/API in line 236
Triggered when generating image link tracking code server side. Plugins can use this event to customise the image tracking code that is displayed to the user.
Callback Signature:
function(&$piwikUrl, &$urlParams]
string &$piwikHost The domain and URL path to the Matomo installation, eg,
array &$urlParams The query parameters used in the element's src
URL. See Matomo's image tracking docs for more info.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/API in line 431
Triggered before a modal to delete a measurable is displayed A plugin can listen to it and add additional information to be displayed in the measurable delete modal body
Callback Signature:
function(&$messages, $idSite]
array &$messages Additional messages to be shown in the delete measurable modal body
int $idSite
The idSite to be deleted
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/SitesManager in line 154
Posted before checking to display the "No data has been recorded yet" message. If your Measurable should never have visits, you can use this event to make sure that message is never displayed.
Callback Signature:
function(&$shouldPerformEmptySiteCheck, $siteId]
bool &$shouldPerformEmptySiteCheck Set this value to true to perform the check, false if otherwise.
int $siteId
The ID of the site we would perform a check for.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CoreHome/Widgets/GetSystemSummary in line 69
Triggered to add system summary items that are shown in the System Summary widget. Example
public function addSystemSummaryItem(&$systemSummary)
$numUsers = 5;
$systemSummary[] = new SystemSummary\Item($key = 'users', Piwik::translate('General_NUsers', $numUsers), $value = null, array('module' => 'UsersManager', 'action' => 'index'), $icon = 'icon-user');
Callback Signature:
CoreAdminHome::addSystemSummaryItems, CorePluginsAdmin::addSystemSummaryItems, Goals::addSystemSummaryItems, SegmentEditor::addSystemSummaryItems, SitesManager::addSystemSummaryItems, TagManager::addSystemSummaryItems, UsersManager::addSystemSummaryItems
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CoreHome/Widgets/GetSystemSummary in line 103
Triggered to filter system summary items that are shown in the System Summary widget. A plugin might also sort the system summary items differently. Example
public function filterSystemSummaryItems(&$systemSummary)
foreach ($systemSummaryItems as $index => $item) {
if ($item && $item->getKey() === 'users') {
$systemSummaryItems[$index] = null;
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Settings/Plugin/SystemSettings in line 107
Triggered after system settings have been updated. Example
Piwik::addAction('SystemSettings.updated', function (SystemSettings $settings) {
if ($settings->getPluginName() === 'PluginName') {
$value = $settings->someSetting->getValue();
// Do something with the new setting value
Callback Signature:
The plugin settings object.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Template/Tag/TagsProvider in line 93
Event to add custom tags. To filter tags have a look at the TagManager.filterTags event. Example
public function addTags(&$tags)
$tags[] = new MyCustomTag();
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Template/Trigger/TriggersProvider in line 92
Event to add custom triggers. To filter triggers have a look at the TagManager.filterTriggers event. Example
public function addTriggers(&$triggers)
$triggers[] = new MyCustomTrigger();
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Template/Variable/VariablesProvider in line 108
Event to add custom variables. To filter variables have a look at the TagManager.filterVariables event. Example
public function addVariables(&$variables)
$variables[] = new MyCustomVariable();
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Context/Storage/Filesystem in line 35
Triggered so plugins can detect the changed file and for example sync it to other servers.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Context/Storage/Filesystem in line 46
Triggered so plugins can detect the deleted file and for example sync it to other servers.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/API in line 1305
Callback Signature:
function(function('idSite' => $idSite, 'idContainer' => $idContainer))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/API in line 608
Callback Signature:
function(function('idSite' => $idSite, 'idContainer' => $idContainer, 'idContainerVersion' => $idContainerVersion, 'idTag' => $idTag))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/API in line 827
Callback Signature:
function(function('idSite' => $idSite, 'idContainer' => $idContainer, 'idContainerVersion' => $idContainerVersion, 'idTrigger' => $idTrigger))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/API in line 1071
Callback Signature:
function(function('idSite' => $idSite, 'idContainer' => $idContainer, 'idContainerVersion' => $idContainerVersion, 'idVariable' => $idVariable))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/API in line 1258
Callback Signature:
function(function('idSite' => $idSite, 'idContainer' => $idContainer, 'idContainerVersion' => $idContainerVersion))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Template/Tag/TagsProvider in line 126
Triggered to filter / restrict tags. Example
public function filterTags(&$tags)
foreach ($tags as $index => $tag) {
if ($tag->getId() === 'CustomHtml') {}
unset($tags[$index]); // remove the tag having this ID
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Template/Trigger/TriggersProvider in line 125
Event to filter / restrict triggers. Example
public function filterTriggers(&$triggers)
foreach ($triggers as $index => $trigger) {
if ($trigger->getId() === 'CustomJs') {}
unset($triggers[$index]); // remove the trigger having this ID
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Template/Variable/VariablesProvider in line 142
Event to filter / restrict variables. Example
public function filterVariables(&$variables)
foreach ($variables as $index => $variable) {
if ($variable->getId() === 'CustomVariable') {}
unset($variables[$index]); // remove the variable having this ID
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/API in line 635
Callback Signature:
function(function('idSite' => $idSite, 'idContainer' => $idContainer, 'idContainerVersion' => $idContainerVersion, 'idTag' => $idTag))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/Commands/RegenerateContainers in line 33
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TagManager/API in line 666
Callback Signature:
function(function('idSite' => $idSite, 'idContainer' => $idContainer, 'idContainerVersion' => $idContainerVersion, 'idTag' => $idTag))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/CustomVariables/Reports/GetCustomVariables in line 73
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/PrivacyManager/Controller in line 136
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Referrers/Reports/GetReferrerType in line 131
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Goals/Controller in line 155
Callback Signature:
function(&$str, $goal]
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Goals/Controller in line 164
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Goals/Controller in line 170
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement/tests/Integration/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurementTest in line 76
Callback Signature:
Plugin::getJsGlobalVariables, AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::addMatomoClientTracking, CoreAdminHome::addJsGlobalVariables, LanguagesManager::jsGlobalVariables, Live::addJsGlobalVariables, Transitions::addJsGlobalVariables
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement/tests/Integration/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurementTest in line 91
Callback Signature:
Plugin::getJsGlobalVariables, AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::addMatomoClientTracking, CoreAdminHome::addJsGlobalVariables, LanguagesManager::jsGlobalVariables, Live::addJsGlobalVariables, Transitions::addJsGlobalVariables
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement/tests/Integration/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurementTest in line 104
Callback Signature:
Plugin::getJsGlobalVariables, AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::addMatomoClientTracking, CoreAdminHome::addJsGlobalVariables, LanguagesManager::jsGlobalVariables, Live::addJsGlobalVariables, Transitions::addJsGlobalVariables
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement/tests/Integration/AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurementTest in line 121
Callback Signature:
Plugin::getJsGlobalVariables, AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement::addMatomoClientTracking, CoreAdminHome::addJsGlobalVariables, LanguagesManager::jsGlobalVariables, Live::addJsGlobalVariables, Transitions::addJsGlobalVariables
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/Controller in line 507
Overwrite the content displayed on the "reset password process cancelled page". Will display default content if no event content returned.
Callback Signature:
The content to render.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/Controller in line 171
Event that can be used to manipulate the content of a certain tab on the no data page
Callback Signature:
function(&$tabContent, $this->siteContentDetector]
string &$tabContent
Content of the tab
\SiteContentDetector $detector
Instance of SiteContentDetector, holding current detection results
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/SitesManager/Controller in line 178
Event that can be used to manipulate the content of a record on the others tab on the no data page
Callback Signature:
function(&$othersInstruction, $this->siteContentDetector]
string &$othersInstruction
Content of the record
\SiteContentDetector $detector
Instance of SiteContentDetector, holding current detection results
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Tour/Engagement/Challenges in line 115
Triggered to add new challenges to the "welcome to Matomo tour". Example
public function addChallenge(&$challenges)
$challenges[] = new MyChallenge();
Callback Signature:
An array of challengesDefined in Piwik/Tracker/Cache in line 136
Triggered to get the attributes of a site entity that might be used by the Tracker. Plugins add new site attributes for use in other tracking events must use this event to put those attributes in the Tracker Cache.
public function getSiteAttributes($content, $idSite)
$sql = "SELECT info FROM " . Common::prefixTable('myplugin_extra_site_info') . " WHERE idsite = ?";
$content['myplugin_site_data'] = Db::fetchOne($sql, array($idSite));
Callback Signature:
function(&$content, $idSite)
array &$content Array mapping of site attribute names with values.
int $idSite
The site ID to get attributes for.
CustomDimensions::addCustomDimensionsAttributes, Goals::fetchGoalsFromDb, UsersManager::recordAdminUsersInCache
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Referrers/Columns/Base in line 307
Triggered when detecting the search engine of a referrer URL. Plugins can use this event to provide custom search engine detection logic.
Callback Signature:
function(&$searchEngineInformation, $this->referrerUrl]
array &$searchEngineInformation An array with the following information:
- **name**: The search engine name.
- **keywords**: The search keywords used.
This parameter is initialized to the results
of Matomo's default search engine detection
string referrerUrl The referrer URL from the tracking request.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Referrers/Columns/Base in line 358
Triggered when detecting the social network of a referrer URL. Plugins can use this event to provide custom social network detection logic.
Callback Signature:
function(&$socialNetworkName, $this->referrerUrl]
string &$socialNetworkName Name of the social network, or false if none detected
This parameter is initialized to the results
of Matomo's default social network detection
string referrerUrl The referrer URL from the tracking request.
Defined in Piwik/Tracker in line 133
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/QueuedTracking/Commands/Process in line 142
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/Db in line 264
Triggered before a connection to the database is established by the Tracker. This event can be used to change the database connection settings used by the Tracker.
Callback Signature:
array $dbInfos
Reference to an array containing database connection info,
- **host**: The host name or IP address to the MySQL database.
- **username**: The username to use when connecting to the
- **password**: The password to use when connecting to the
- **dbname**: The name of the Matomo MySQL database.
- **port**: The MySQL database port to use.
- **adapter**: either `'PDO\MYSQL'` or `'MYSQLI'`
- **type**: The MySQL engine to use, for instance 'InnoDB'
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/TrackerCodeGenerator in line 228
Triggered when generating JavaScript tracking code server side. Plugins can use this event to customise the JavaScript tracking code that is displayed to the user.
Callback Signature:
function(&$codeImpl, $parameters)
array &$codeImpl An array containing snippets of code that the event handler can modify. Will contain the following elements:
- **idSite**: The ID of the site being tracked.
- **piwikUrl**: The tracker URL to use.
- **options**: A string of JavaScript code that customises
the JavaScript tracker.
- **optionsBeforeTrackerUrl**: A string of Javascript code that customises
the JavaScript tracker inside of anonymous function before
adding setTrackerUrl into paq.
- **protocol**: Matomo url protocol.
- **loadAsync**: boolean whether piwik.js should be loaded synchronous or asynchronous
The **httpsPiwikUrl** element can be set if the HTTPS
domain is different from the normal domain.
array $parameters
The parameters supplied to TrackerCodeGenerator::generate()
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/VisitExcluded in line 103
Triggered on every tracking request. This event can be used to tell the Tracker not to record this particular action or visit.
Callback Signature:
function(&$excluded, $this->request)
bool &$excluded Whether the request should be excluded or not. Initialized
to false
. Event subscribers should set it to true
order to exclude the request.
\Request $request
The request object which contains all of the request's information
JsTrackerInstallCheck::isExcludedVisit, TrackingSpamPrevention::isExcludedVisit
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/Visit/Factory in line 39
Triggered before a new visit tracking object is created. Subscribers to this event can force the use of a custom visit tracking object that extends from Piwik\Tracker\VisitInterface.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/PageUrl in line 102
Triggered before setting the action url in Piwik\Tracker\Action so plugins can register parameters to be excluded from the tracking URL (e.g. campaign parameters).
Callback Signature:
MarketingCampaignsReporting::getQueryParametersToExclude, TagManager::getQueryParametersToExclude
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/Request in line 596
Triggered when obtaining the ID of the site we are tracking a visit for. This event can be used to change the site ID so data is tracked for a different website.
Callback Signature:
function(&$idSite, $this->params)
int &$idSite Initialized to the value of the idsite query parameter. If a subscriber sets this variable, the value it uses must be greater than 0.
array $params
The entire array of request parameters in the current tracking
Defined in Piwik/Tracker/Cache in line 217
Triggered before the general tracker cache is saved to disk. This event can be used to add extra content to the cache. Data that is used during tracking but is expensive to compute/query should be cached to keep tracking efficient. One example of such data are options that are stored in the option table. Querying data for each tracking request means an extra unnecessary database query for each visitor action. Using a cache solves this problem.
public function setTrackerCacheGeneral(&$cacheContent)
$cacheContent['MyPlugin.myCacheKey'] = Option::get('MyPlugin_myOption');
Callback Signature:
CoreHome::setTrackerCacheGeneral, CustomDimensions::setTrackerCacheGeneral, CustomVariables::getCacheGeneral, PrivacyManager::setTrackerCacheGeneral, Referrers::setTrackerCacheGeneral, SitesManager::setTrackerCacheGeneral, TrackingSpamPrevention::setTrackerCacheGeneral, UserCountry::setTrackerCacheGeneral
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TrackingSpamPrevention/BlockedIpRanges in line 153
This event is posted when an IP is being banned from tracking. You can use it for example to notify someone that this IP was banned.
Callback Signature:
function($ipRange, $ip]
string $ipRange
The IP range that will be blocked
string $ip
The IP that caused this range to be blocked
Defined in Piwik/Translation/Translator in line 273
Triggered before generating the JavaScript code that allows i18n strings to be used in the browser. Plugins should subscribe to this event to specify which translations should be available to JavaScript.
Event handlers should add whole translation keys, ie, keys that include the plugin name.
public function getClientSideTranslationKeys(&$result)
$result[] = "MyPlugin_MyTranslation";
Callback Signature:
Plugin::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Annotations::getClientSideTranslationKeys, CoreAdminHome::getClientSideTranslationKeys, CoreHome::getClientSideTranslationKeys, CorePluginsAdmin::getClientSideTranslationKeys, CoreVisualizations::getClientSideTranslationKeys, CustomAlerts::getClientSideTranslationKeys, CustomDimensions::getClientSideTranslationKeys, CustomVariables::getClientSideTranslationKeys, DBStats::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Dashboard::getClientSideTranslationKeys, DevicesDetection::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Diagnostics::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Ecommerce::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Feedback::getClientSideTranslationKeys, GeoIp2::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Goals::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Installation::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Intl::getClientSideTranslationKeys, JsTrackerInstallCheck::getClientSideTranslationKeys, LanguagesManager::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Live::getClientSideTranslationKeys, LogViewer::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Login::getClientSideTranslationKeys, LoginLdap::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Marketplace::getClientSideTranslationKeys, MobileMessaging::getClientSideTranslationKeys, MultiSites::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Overlay::getClientSideTranslationKeys, PagePerformance::getClientSideTranslationKeys, PrivacyManager::getClientSideTranslationKeys, ProfessionalServices::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Referrers::getClientSideTranslationKeys, ScheduledReports::getClientSideTranslationKeys, SecurityInfo::getClientSideTranslationKeys, SegmentEditor::getClientSideTranslationKeys, SitesManager::getClientSideTranslationKeys, TagManager::getClientSideTranslationKeys, TasksTimetable::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Transitions::getClientSideTranslationKeys, TwoFactorAuth::getClientSideTranslationKeys, UserCountry::getClientSideTranslationKeys, UserCountryMap::getClientSideTranslationKeys, UserId::getClientSideTranslationKeys, UsersManager::getClientSideTranslationKeys, VisitorGenerator::getClientSideTranslationKeys, Widgetize::getClientSideTranslationKeys
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TwoFactorAuth/TwoFactorAuthentication in line 72
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TwoFactorAuth/Controller in line 229
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/TwoFactorAuth/TwoFactorAuth in line 273
Callback Signature:
function(&$requiresAuth, $module, $action, $parameters)
Defined in Piwik/Updater in line 112
Event triggered after a new component has been installed.
Callback Signature:
The component that has been installed.Defined in Piwik/Updater in line 162
Event triggered after a component has been uninstalled.
Callback Signature:
The component that has been uninstalled.Defined in Piwik/Updater in line 140
Event triggered after a component has been updated. Can be used to handle logic that should be done after a component was updated
Piwik::addAction('Updater.componentUpdated', function ($componentName, $updatedVersion) {
$mail = new Mail();
$mail->setSubject('Component was updated);
$message = sprintf(
'Component %1$s has been updated to version %2$s',
$componentName, $updatedVersion
Callback Signature:
function($name, $version)
string $componentName
'core', plugin name or dimension name
string $updatedVersion
version updated to
CorePluginsAdmin::addPluginChanges, CustomJsTracker::updateTracker, TagManager::regenerateReleasedContainers
Defined in Piwik/FrontController in line 182
Triggered when a user with insufficient access permissions tries to view some resource. This event can be used to customize the error that occurs when a user is denied access (for example, displaying an error message, redirecting to a page other than login, etc.).
Callback Signature:
The exception that was caught.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Settings/Plugin/UserSettings in line 90
Triggered after user settings have been updated. Example
Piwik::addAction('UserSettings.updated', function (UserSettings $settings) {
if ($settings->getPluginName() === 'PluginName') {
$value = $settings->someSetting->getValue();
// Do something with the new setting value
Callback Signature:
The plugin settings object.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/API in line 779
Triggered after a new user is created.
Callback Signature:
function($userLogin, $email, Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin()]
string $userLogin
The new user's login.
string $email
The new user's e-mail.
string $inviterLogin
The login of the user who created the new user
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/UsersManager in line 181
Triggered before core password validator check password. This event exists for enable option to create custom password validation rules. It can be used to validate password (length, used chars etc) and to notify about checking password.
Piwik::addAction('UsersManager.checkPassword', function ($password) {
if (strlen($password) < 10) {
throw new Exception('Password is too short.');
Callback Signature:
Checking password in plain text.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/Model in line 749
Triggered after a user has been deleted. This event should be used to clean up any data that is related to the now deleted user. The Dashboard plugin, for example, uses this event to remove the user's dashboards.
Callback Signature:
The login handle of the deleted user.Usages:
CoreAdminHome::cleanupUser, CoreVisualizations::deleteUser, CustomAlerts::deleteAlertsForLogin, Dashboard::deleteDashboardLayout, LanguagesManager::deleteUserLanguage, LoginLdap::onUserDeleted, ScheduledReports::deleteUserReport, SegmentEditor::onDeleteUser
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/Controller in line 207
Triggered when the list of available dates is requested, for example for the User Settings > Report date to load by default.
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/Controller in line 719
Triggered after a user accepted an invite
Callback Signature:
function($userfunction('login'], $userfunction('email'], $userfunction('invited_by']]
string $userLogin
The invited user's login.
string $email
The invited user's e-mail.
string $inviterLogin
The login of the user, who invited this user
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Login/Controller in line 789
Triggered after a user accepted an invite
Callback Signature:
function($userfunction('login'], $userfunction('email'], $userfunction('invited_by']]
string $userLogin
The invited user's login.
string $email
The invited user's e-mail.
string $inviterLogin
The login of the user, who invited this user
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/API in line 814
Triggered after a new user was invited.
Callback Signature:
function($userLogin, $email]
string $userLogin
The new user's login.
string $email
The new user's e-mail.
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/API in line 1675
Triggered after a new user invite token was generate.
Callback Signature:
function($userLogin, $userfunction('email']]
The new user's login.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/API in line 1634
Triggered after a new user was invited.
Callback Signature:
function($userLogin, $userfunction('email']]
The new user's login.Defined in Piwik/Plugins/ScheduledReports/tests/ScheduledReportsTest in line 96
Callback Signature:
function('userLogin', function(1, 2))
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/API in line 1169
Callback Signature:
function($userLogin, $idSites]
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/UsersManager/API in line 983
Triggered after an existing user has been updated. Event notify about password change.
Callback Signature:
function($userLogin, $passwordHasBeenUpdated, $email, $password]
string $userLogin
The user's login handle.
boolean $passwordHasBeenUpdated
Flag containing information about password change.
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/ViewDataTable in line 275
Triggered during ViewDataTable construction. Subscribers should customize the view based on the report that is being displayed. This event is triggered before view configuration properties are overwritten by saved settings or request parameters. Use this to define default values.
Plugins that define their own reports must subscribe to this event in order to specify how the Matomo UI should display the report.
// event handler
public function configureViewDataTable(ViewDataTable $view)
switch ($view->requestConfig->apiMethodToRequestDataTable) {
case 'VisitTime.getVisitInformationPerServerTime':
$view->config->enable_sort = true;
$view->requestConfig->filter_limit = 10;
Callback Signature:
The instance to configure.Usages:
Actions::configureViewDataTable, Bandwidth::configureViewDataTable, Events::configureViewDataTable, PagePerformance::configureViewDataTable
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/ViewDataTable in line 318
Triggered after ViewDataTable construction. Subscribers should customize the view based on the report that is being displayed. This event is triggered after all view configuration values have been overwritten by saved settings or request parameters. Use this if you need to work with the final configuration values.
Plugins that define their own reports can subscribe to this event in order to specify how the Matomo UI should display the report.
// event handler
public function configureViewDataTableEnd(ViewDataTable $view)
if ($view->requestConfig->apiMethodToRequestDataTable == 'VisitTime.getVisitInformationPerServerTime'
&& $view->requestConfig->flat == 1) {
$view->config->show_header_message = 'You are viewing this report flattened';
Callback Signature:
The instance to configure.Defined in Piwik/ViewDataTable/Manager in line 118
Triggered to filter available DataTable visualizations. Plugins that want to disable certain visualizations should subscribe to this event and remove visualizations from the incoming array.
public function filterViewDataTable(&$visualizations)
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/Visualization in line 824
Posted immediately before rendering the view. Plugins can use this event to perform last minute configuration of the view based on it's data or the report being viewed.
Callback Signature:
The instance to configure.Usages:
Defined in Piwik/Plugin/WidgetsProvider in line 63
Triggered to add custom widget configs. To filter widgets have a look at the Widget.filterWidgets event. Example
public function addWidgetConfigs(&$configs)
$config = new WidgetConfig();
$configs[] = $config;
Callback Signature:
Defined in Piwik/Widget/WidgetsList in line 215
Triggered to filter widgets. Example
public function removeWidgetConfigs(Piwik\Widget\WidgetsList $list)
$list->remove($category='General_Visits'); // remove all widgets having this category
Callback Signature:
An instance of the WidgetsList. You can change the list of widgets this way.Usages:
Marketplace::filterWidgets, RssWidget::filterWidgets, SEO::filterWidgets
Defined in Piwik/Plugins/Widgetize/Controller in line 80
Triggered to detect whether a widgetized report should be wrapped in the widgetized HTML or whether only
the rendered output of the controller/action should be printed. Set $shouldEmbedEmpty
to true
your widget renders the full HTML itself. Example
public function embedIframeEmpty(&$shouldEmbedEmpty, $controllerName, $actionName)
if ($controllerName == 'Dashboard' && $actionName == 'index') {
$shouldEmbedEmpty = true;
Callback Signature:
function(&$shouldEmbedEmpty, $controllerName, $actionName)
string &$shouldEmbedEmpty Defines whether the iframe should be embedded empty or wrapped within the widgetized html.
string $controllerName
The name of the controller that will be executed.
string $actionName
The name of the action within the controller that will be executed.