

Describes a task that should be executed on a given time.

See the TaskScheduler docs to learn more about scheduled tasks.


The class defines the following methods:

  • __construct()
  • getObjectInstance() — Returns the object instance that contains the method to execute.
  • getClassName() — Returns the name of the class that contains the method to execute.
  • getMethodName() — Returns the name of the method that will be executed.
  • getMethodParameter() — Returns the value that will be passed to the method when executed, or null if no value will be supplied.
  • getScheduledTime() — Returns a Schedule instance that describes when the method should be executed and how long before the next execution.
  • getRescheduledTime() — Returns the time in milliseconds when this task will be executed next.
  • getPriority() — Returns the task priority.
  • getTTL() — Returns the TTL for this task.
  • getName() — Returns a unique name for this scheduled task.



  • It accepts the following parameter(s):
    • $objectInstance (mixed) — The object or class that contains the method to execute regularly. Usually this will be a Plugin instance.
    • $methodName (string) — The name of the method that will be regularly executed.
    • $methodParameter (mixed|null) — An optional parameter to pass to the method when executed. Must be convertible to string.
    • $scheduledTime (Schedule|null) — A Schedule instance that describes when the method should be executed and how long before the next execution.
    • $priority (int) — The priority of the task. Tasks with a higher priority will be executed first. Tasks with low priority will be executed last.
    • $ttlInSeconds (int) — TTL to use for this task. Defauts to 3600. See self::$ttlInSeconds
  • It throws one of the following exceptions:


Returns the object instance that contains the method to execute. Returns a class name if the method is static.


  • It returns a mixed value.


Returns the name of the class that contains the method to execute.


  • It returns a string value.


Returns the name of the method that will be executed.


  • It returns a string value.


Returns the value that will be passed to the method when executed, or null if no value will be supplied.


  • Returns: string|null


Returns a Schedule instance that describes when the method should be executed and how long before the next execution.



Returns the time in milliseconds when this task will be executed next.


  • It returns a int value.


Returns the task priority. The priority will be an integer whose value is between HIGH_PRIORITY and LOW_PRIORITY.


  • It returns a int value.


Returns the TTL for this task.

See self::$ttlInSeconds


  • It returns a int value.


Returns a unique name for this scheduled task. The name is stored in the DB and is used to store a task's previous execution time. The name is created using:

  • the name of the class that contains the method to execute,
  • the name of the method to regularly execute,
  • and the value that is passed to the executed task.


  • It returns a string value.