Reporting API Reference
This is the Matomo API Reference. It lists all functions that can be called, documents the parameters, and links to examples for every call in the various formats.
The APIs let you programmatically request any analytics reports from Matomo, for one or several websites and for any given date and period and in any format (CSV, JSON, XML, etc.). Matomo also provides Management APIs to create, update and delete websites, users, user privileges, custom dashboards, email reports, goals, funnels, custom dimensions, alerts, videos, heatmaps, session recordings, custom segments, and more.
API Request
Standard API parameters
- the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1
- you can also specify a list of idSites comma separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6
- if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all (this is only supported by some API methods and there might be issues should eg dimensions, goals, or segments only be available for specific sites)
period — the period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone.
- day returns data for a given day.
- week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'
- month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'
- year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'
- range returns data for the specified 'date' range.
For example to request a report for the range Jan 1st to Feb 15th you would write &period=range&date=2011-01-01,2011-02-15
- standard format = YYYY-MM-DD
- magic keywords = today, yesterday, lastWeek, lastMonth or lastYear. These are relative the website timezone. For example, for a website with UTC+12 timezone, "date=today" for an API request at 5PM UTC on 2010-01-01 will return the reports for 2010-01-02. (Note: lastWeek, lastMonth and lastYear are only available as of Matomo 4.1)
range of dates
- lastX for the last X periods including today (eg &date=last10&period=day would return an entry for each of the last 10 days including today). This is relative to the website timezone.
- previousX returns the last X periods before today (eg. &date=previous52&period=week will return an entry for each of the 52 weeks before this week). This is relative to the website timezone.
YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD for every period (day, week, month or year) in the date range
Note: if you set 'period=range' to request data for a custom date range, the API will return the sum of data for the specified date range.
When 'period=range', the following keywords are supported for the parameter 'date':
- previousX
- YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD, both dates can be replaced with magic keywords (the first one does not support today and yesterday). eg. YYYY-MM-DD,today, lastMonth,YYYY-MM-DD or lastYear,lastWeek
segment — defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to.
- for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
segments can be combined in AND and OR operations. For example, to filter for "Visits where (Referrer name is Google OR Referrer name is Bing) AND Country is India", you would write:
- see segmentation documentation for the list of available dimensions & metrics, example values for each, and more information about the custom segment parameter
format; defines the format of the output.
- xml
- json (if you want to do cross domain request in ajax and get json data, you can wrap the json data around a function call by using the jsoncallback parameter)
- csv (comma-separated values)
- tsv (tab-separated values, similar to CSV but loads properly in Excel)
- html
- rss (when date is a range for example date=last10 or date=previous15)
- original; to fetch the original PHP data structure. This is useful when you call the Matomo (formerly Piwik) API internally using the PHP code
format_metrics; defines the output format of the metrics' values.
: metrics will not be formatted at all. Percent values are returned as rates. This can be applied if the numbers should be used for further processing.
: All metrics returned are formatted (this also includes appending percent or money signs). This can be applied if the data should be used for direct presentation.
: In this case, only percent values are formatted, while all other values are not. This behaviour is deprecated but still exists as the Matomo UI requires it in specific instances. It is the default behaviour if nothing is provided. In the future, this option will be removed and format_metrics=0
will become the new default.
filter_limit; defines the number of rows to be returned.
- By default, only the top 100 rows are returned.
- Set to -1 to return all rows.
Optional API parameters
Each API call can contain parameters that do not appear in the list of parameters, but act as "filters". Filters can be presentation filters (eg. specify the language for internationalization), or act as data helpers (sort results, search for a dataset subset, fetch children of a given entity). Some parameters like filter_sort_order
and filter_sort_column
only work on API methods that return reports but not API methods that return entities (such as sites, users, activities).
Here is an overview of the parameters you can add to any API request, where applicable:
language; if specified, returns data strings that can be internationalized and will be translated. For example, dates and times returned by the Live API can be translated into the specified language. Expected value is the 2 language letters code, eg. en, fr, de, es, etc. You can get the available list of language by calling the LanguagesManager API.
idSubtable is used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response have an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in).
expanded; some API functions have a parameter 'expanded'. If 'expanded' is set to 1, the returned data will contain the first level results, as well as all sub-tables. See, for example, the returned dataset for the Actions.getDownloads API function.
flat; some API functions have a parameter 'expanded', which means that the data is hierarchical. For such API function, if 'flat' is set to 1, the returned data will contain the flattened view of the table data set. The children of all first level rows will be aggregated under one row. This is useful for example to see all Custom Variables names and values at once, for example, Matomo forum user status, or to see the full URLs not broken down by directory or structure.
label; this parameter can be used to search only for the row matching a given label. When specified, the report data will be filtered and return only the row where the row label matches the specified parameter. For example, you can set &label=Nice%20Keyword to keep only the row with a label "Nice Keyword".
There are also generic filters you can choose to apply on all APIs that return web analytics reports. For example, there is a filter for sorting by column, define start and number of rows to return, a filter to only return rows matching a given string,
pivotBy; this parameter can be used to create a pivot table of a report using a specified dimension. Pivoting a report will intersect a report with another report and display a single metric for values along two dimensions. To pivot a report, this query parameter must be set to the ID of the dimension to pivot by. For example, queryParam=Referrers.Keyword would pivot against the Keyword dimension.
Note: If you want to pivot against a dimension that is not the dimension of a report's subtable, you must set the pivot_by_filter_enable_fetch_by_segment INI config variable to 1. Using segments will allow you to pivot by any dimension, but currently, it will be slow.
- pivotByColumn; specifies which column should be displayed in a pivoted report. Should be used with pivotBy and set to a column name, for example, nb_visits.
pivotByColumnLimit; The maximum number of columns that should be displayed in a pivot table. All other columns are aggregated into an 'Others' column.
filter_offset; defines the offset of the starting row being returned
- filter_truncate; if set, will truncate the table after $filter_truncate rows. The last row will be named 'Others' (localized in the requested language) and the columns will be an aggregate of statistics of all truncated rows.
- filter_pattern; defines the text you want to search for in the filter_column. Only the row with the given column matching the pattern will be returned. The pattern will be interpreted as regular expression. Example:
- filter_column ; defines the column that we want to search for a text (see filter_pattern). If not specified, defaults to 'label'
- filter_sort_order; defines the order of the results, asc or desc
- filter_sort_column; defines the column to be sorted by
- filter_excludelowpop; defines the column to use for the threshold of value filter_excludelowpop_value; only the columns with a value greater than filter_excludelowpop_value; will be returned
- filter_excludelowpop_value; defines the minimum value for the filter_excludelowpop column
- hideColumns; a comma separated list of columns. If set, removes those columns from the result. This can be used to reduce the amount of data transferred.
- showColumns; a comma separated list of columns. If set, removes all columns in the result that are not found in this list. This can be used to reduce the amount of data transferred.
convertToUnicode; this parameter only applies when the format is csv or tsv. By default (when set to 1), the output is sent in UTF-16LE encoding. If set to 0, then the output will be sent encoded in UTF-8.
filter_column_recursive; defines the column to be searched for when recursively searching for a pattern filter_pattern_recursive
filter_pattern_recursive; defines the text you are searching for. Only the matching rows are returned. This filter is applied to recursive tables (Actions/Downloads/Outlinks tables)
disable_generic_filters; if set to 1, all the generic filters above will not be applied. This can be useful to disable the filters above which are otherwise applied with default values. Mostly used internally or when developing plugins for Matomo.
disable_queued_filters; if set to 1, all the filters that are mostly presentation filters (replace a column name, apply callbacks on the column to add new information such as the browser icon URL, etc.) will not be applied. Mostly used internally or when developing plugins for Matomo.
translateColumnNames; if set to 1, column names in report output will be translated to the language specified by the language
parameter described above. Note: this parameter only has an effect for the CSV, RSS and HTML output formats.
Passing an array of data as a parameter
Some parameters can optionally accept arrays. For example, the urls parameter of SitesManager.addSite, SitesManager.addSiteAliasUrls, and SitesManager.updateSite allows for an array of urls to be passed. To pass an array add the bracket operators and an index to the parameter name in the get request. So, to call SitesManager.addSite with two urls you would use the following array:[0]=[1]=
Advanced Users: Send multiple API Requests at once
Sometimes it is necessary to call the Matomo API a few times to get the data needed for a report or custom application. When you need to call many API functions simultaneously or if you just don't want to issue a lot of HTTP requests, you may want to consider using a Bulk API Request. This feature allows you to call several API methods with one HTTP request (either a GET or POST).
To issue a bulk request, call the API.getBulkRequest method and pass the API methods & parameters (each request must be URL Encoded) you wish to call in the 'urls' query parameter. For example, to call VisitsSummary.get & VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration at the same time, you can use:[0]=method%3dVisitsSummary.get%26idSite%3d3%26date%3d2012-03-06%26period%3dday&urls[1]=method%3dVisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration%26idSite%3d3%26date%3d2012-03-06%26period%3dday
Notice that urls[0] is the url-encoded call to VisitsSummary.get by itself and that urls[1] is what you would use to call VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration by itself. The &format is specified only once (format=xml and format=json are supported for bulk requests).
The API Response will be an array containing the formatted result of each individual API method, in this case VisitsSummary.get and VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration.
You can also issue the Bulk request as an HTTP POST request to work around any request URI size limitations:
curl -i -X POST -d 'module=API&method=API.getBulkRequest&format=json&urls[0]=method%3dVisitsSummary.get%26idSite%3d3%26date%3d2012-03-06%26period%3dday&urls[1]=method%3dVisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration%26idSite%3d3%26date%3d2012-03-06%26period%3dday'
Authenticate to the API via token_auth parameter
In the example above, the request works because the statistics are public (the anonymous user has a view access to the website). By default, in Matomo your statistics are private. In the case that you cannot have your statistics to be public:
- when you access your Matomo installation you are requested to log in
- when you call the API over http you need to authenticate yourself. This is done by adding a secret parameter called
in the URL. This parameter is as secret as your login and password!
You can create authentication tokens in the Administration area under Administration => Personal => Security => Auth tokens.
Then you simply have to add the parameter &token_auth=YOUR_TOKEN at the end of your API call URL.
You should never share a URL that includes a token_auth
with another person as this person could use this same token to fetch and change data in Matomo.
For best security it is recommended to create tokens that are only valid for POST requests and make your API calls using the POST method with the token_auth in the body of the request:
curl -X POST '' -d 'token_auth=YOUR\_TOKEN'
Note: Some of the example URLs provided on this page may fail due to the use of the "anonymous" token_auth. To see an example using a valid token_auth you can view the examples in your Matomo instance under Administration => Platform => API.
Session tokens
When you are logged in to Matomo and choose to export data, then you might notice a parameter &force_api_session=1
parameter in the URL. When this URL parameter is present, then Matomo uses a special token_auth
that is randomly generated every time you log in and this URL will only work while you are logged in and will no longer work once you're logged out. The next time you log in the token will change again. If you want the URL to work permanently, then you need to remove this URL parameter &force_api_session
and replace the token with the value of a generated auth token see above.
API Response: Metric Definitions
Here is a list of metrics returned by the API and their definition.
General Metrics
- Number of unique visitors
- Number of Visits (30 min of inactivity considered a new visit)
- Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID). If you are not using User ID then this metric will be set to zero.
- Number of actions (page views, outlinks and downloads)
- Total time spent, in seconds
- Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page)
- Maximum number of actions in a visit
- Number of visits that converted a goal
- Number of goal conversions
- Total revenue of goal conversions
Metrics Specific to Page URLs and Page Titles Reports
- Number of views on this page
- Number of visits that started on this page
- Number of unique visitors that started their visit on this page
- Number of page views for visits that started on this page
- Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page
- Number of visits that started on this page, and bounced (viewed only one page)
- Number of visits that finished on this page
- Number of unique visitors that ended their visit on this page
- Total time spent on this page, in seconds
- Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period.
- Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page
- (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors
- (deprecated) Same as entry_bounce_count
- Average time spent, in seconds, on this page
- Ratio of visits leaving the website after landing on this page
- Ratio of visits that do not view any other page after this page
Ecommerce metrics, appearing in the Ecommerce Goals.getItems* API calls only
- The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount.
- Quantity is the total number of products sold for each Product SKU/Name/Category.
- It is the total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once.
- This value is only set if the request contains '&abandonedCarts=1'. In this case, "orders" metrics will not be returned. It is the total number of abandoned carts which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once.
- The average revenue for this Product/Category.
- The average quantity for this Product/Category.
- This value appears only if you have set up 'Ecommerce Product/Category page tracking'. The number of visits on the Product/Category page.
- This value appears only if you have set up 'Ecommerce Product/Category page tracking'. The conversion rate is the number of orders (or abandoned_carts if the request contains '&abandonedCarts=1') containing this product/category divided by number of visits on the product/category page.
Event tracking metrics, appearing in Events API calls
- Number of events
- Number of events which had a value set
- Sum of Event values
- Minimum Event value
- Maximum Event value
- Average of Event values
All the commonly used terms in Matomo Analytics are documented in the Glossary including all metrics and reports.
API Method List
Quick access to APIs
Module API
This API is the
Metadata API: it gives information about all other available APIs methods, as well as providing human readable and more complete outputs than normal API methods. Some of the information that is returned by the Metadata API:
- the dynamically generated list of all API methods via "getReportMetadata"
- the list of metrics that will be returned by each method, along with their human readable name, via "getDefaultMetrics" and "getDefaultProcessedMetrics"
- the list of segments metadata supported by all functions that have a 'segment' parameter
- the (truly magic) method "getProcessedReport" will return a human readable version of any other report, and include the processed metrics such as conversion rate, time on site, etc. which are not directly available in other methods.
- the method "getSuggestedValuesForSegment" returns top suggested values for a particular segment. It uses the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API to fetch the most recently used values, and will return the most often used values first.
The Metadata API is for example used by the Matomo Mobile App to automatically display all Matomo reports, with translated report & columns names and nicely formatted values. More information on the
Metadata API documentation page
API.getMetadata (idSite, apiModule, apiAction, apiParameters = 'Array', language = '', period = '', date = '', hideMetricsDoc = '', showSubtableReports = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
API.getReportMetadata (idSites = '', period = '', date = '', hideMetricsDoc = '', showSubtableReports = '', idSite = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
API.getProcessedReport (idSite, period, date, apiModule, apiAction, segment = '', apiParameters = '', idGoal = '', language = '', showTimer = '1', hideMetricsDoc = '', idSubtable = '', showRawMetrics = '', format_metrics = '', idDimension = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
API.getRowEvolution (idSite, period, date, apiModule, apiAction, label = '', segment = '', column = '', language = '', idGoal = '', legendAppendMetric = '1', labelUseAbsoluteUrl = '1', idDimension = '', labelSeries = '', showGoalMetricsForGoal = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- API.getBulkRequest (urls) [ No example available ]
- API.isPluginActivated (pluginName) [ No example available ]
API.getSuggestedValuesForSegment (segmentName, idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module AbTesting
- AbTesting.getMetricsOverview (idSite, period, date, idExperiment, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.getMetricDetails (idSite, period, date, idExperiment, successMetric, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.addExperiment (idSite, name, hypothesis, description, variations, includedTargets, successMetrics) [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.updateExperiment (idExperiment, idSite, name, description, hypothesis, variations, confidenceThreshold, mdeRelative, percentageParticipants, successMetrics, includedTargets, excludedTargets = 'Array', startDate = '', endDate = '', forwardUtmParams = '', forwardAllQueryParams = '') [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.startExperiment (idExperiment, idSite) [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.finishExperiment (idExperiment, idSite) [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.archiveExperiment (idExperiment, idSite) [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.getJsExperimentTemplate (idExperiment, idSite) [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.getExperimentsByStatuses (idSite, statuses) [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.getExperiment (idExperiment, idSite) [ No example available ]
- AbTesting.deleteExperiment (idExperiment, idSite) [ No example available ]
Module Actions
The Actions API lets you request reports for all your Visitor Actions: Page URLs, Page titles, Events, Content Tracking, File Downloads and Clicks on external websites. For example, "getPageTitles" will return all your page titles along with standard
Actions metrics for each row. It is also possible to request data for a specific Page Title with "getPageTitle" and setting the parameter pageName to the page title you wish to request. Similarly, you can request metrics for a given Page URL via "getPageUrl", a Download file via "getDownload" and an outlink via "getOutlink". Note: pageName, pageUrl, outlinkUrl, downloadUrl parameters must be URL encoded before you call the API.
Actions.get (idSite, period, date, segment = '', columns = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getPageUrls (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', depth = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getEntryPageUrls (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getExitPageUrls (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getPageUrl (pageUrl, idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getPageTitles (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getEntryPageTitles (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getExitPageTitles (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Actions.getPageTitle (pageName, idSite, period, date, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Actions.getDownloads (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Actions.getDownload (downloadUrl, idSite, period, date, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Actions.getOutlinks (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Actions.getOutlink (outlinkUrl, idSite, period, date, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Actions.getSiteSearchKeywords (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getSiteSearchNoResultKeywords (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Actions.getSiteSearchCategories (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module ActivityLog
The Activity Log API is used to get the activity logs for users in your Matomo instance.
The method
returns a list of the activities done by users in your Matomo instance.
The list of activities returned depends on which user is calling the API:
- if you authenticate with a Super User access, the API will return activity logs for all users
- if you authenticate as anonymous (no authentication), or a user with view or admin access, only this user's activity will be returned.
Each activity includes an activity ID, the user who initiated the activity, a list of parameters/metadata specific to this activity, the datetime (and pretty datetime), the activity description, and the URL to the colored avatar image for this user.
The activity log includes over 80 different types of Matomo activities, for example:
- See when a user logged in, failed to log in, or logged out
- See when a user was created, updated or deleted by who
- See when a website was created, updated or deleted by who
- See when a Matomo setting, an
A/B Test, a
Scheduled Report, or a
Segment was changed and by who
ActivityLog.getEntries (offset = '0', limit = '25', filterByUserLogin = '', filterByActivityType = '', period = '', date = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
ActivityLog.getEntryCount (filterByUserLogin = '', filterByActivityType = '', period = '', date = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
ActivityLog.getAllActivityTypes (filterLimit = '-1')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module AdvertisingConversionExport
AdvertisingConversionExport.getConversionExports (idSite = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- AdvertisingConversionExport.getConversionExport (idExport) [ No example available ]
- AdvertisingConversionExport.deleteConversionExport (idExport, idSite) [ No example available ]
- AdvertisingConversionExport.addConversionExport (idSite, name, type, parameters, description = '') [ No example available ]
- AdvertisingConversionExport.regenerateAccessToken (idExport) [ No example available ]
- AdvertisingConversionExport.updateConversionExport (idExport, idSite, name, type, parameters, description = '') [ No example available ]
Module Annotations
API for annotations plugin. Provides methods to create, modify, delete & query annotations.
- Annotations.add (int idSite, string date, string note, bool starred = false) [ No example available ]
- (int idSite, int idNote, ?string date, ?string note, ?bool starred) [ No example available ]
- Annotations.delete (int idSite, int idNote) [ No example available ]
- Annotations.get (int idSite, int idNote) [ No example available ]
Annotations.getAll (
string idSite,
?string date,
string period = 'day',
?int lastN)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Annotations.getAnnotationCountForDates (
string idSite,
string date,
string period,
?int lastN,
bool getAnnotationText = false)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module ConnectAccounts
- ConnectAccounts.getGtmContainersList (string accountId) [ No example available ]
- ConnectAccounts.getGtmWorkspaceList (string accountId, string containerId) [ No example available ]
- ConnectAccounts.createMatomoTag (string accountId, string containerId, string workspaceId, array parentInfo) [ No example available ]
Module Contents
API for plugin Contents
Contents.getContentNames (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Contents.getContentPieces (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module CoreAdminHome
- CoreAdminHome.deleteTrackingFailure (idSite, idFailure) [ No example available ]
Module CrashAnalytics
Crash Analytics API lets you 1) ignore/unignore crashes tracked by Matomo 2) request information about individual crashes and 3) request all your Crash Analytics reports and metrics. 1) You can ignore crashes so they will no longer be tracked, or unignore previously ignored crashes so they will reappear again in your reports.
2) You can merge different crashes together so they will be treated as a single crash in reports, or unmerge previously merged groups. You can also get the list of all merged crash groups for a site.
3) You can request summarized information about a single crash as well as query the entire list of raw tracked crash information:
- get a list of all the different crash types that were tracked via CrashAnalytics.getCrashTypes
- get the list of currently ignored crashes via CrashAnalytics.getIgnoredCrashes
- get summarized information about a single crash via CrashAnalytics.getCrashSummary
- get information about the actions that preceeded a crash via CrashAnalytics.getCrashVisitContext
- query every crash that has been tracked for a site via CrashAnalytics.getAllCrashes
4) Request all metrics and reports about crashes that occur on your website:
- How often different crash messages appear and which source file originated them
- Which crashes have disappeared and not been seen in the last several days
- Which crashes have recently reappeared after an absence
- Which crashes are new and have never been seen before
- Which pages have the most crashes and what those crashes are
- Which source files generate the most crashes and what those crashes are
- Which crash categories appear the most and what crashes appear for those categories
- Which crashes originate from first party source files (in other words, source files hosted by your website)
- Which crashes originate from third party source files (in other words, source files from third party websites, generally outside your control)
- What crashes are currently occurring on your website, within the last N minutes
- Which of the crashes that are currently occurring are new
- Which of the crashes that are currently occurring were absent but have reappeared
- What crashes have just been absent long enough to be considered "disappeared"
And the following metrics:
- How many times a crash occurs
- How often a visit encounters at least one crash
- How many unique crashes were tracked
- How many new crashes were tracked
- How many crashes that were tracked were absent for some time, but have since reappeared
- How often a page view encounters at least one crash
- How many crashes are currently ignored
CrashAnalytics.searchCrashMessagesForMerge (idSite, resourceUri = '', searchTerm = '', limit = '10', offset = '0', excludeIdLogCrashes = 'Array')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- CrashAnalytics.mergeCrashes (idSite, idLogCrashes) [ No example available ]
- CrashAnalytics.unmergeCrashGroup (idSite, idLogCrash) [ No example available ]
CrashAnalytics.getCrashTypes (idSite, filter_limit = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- CrashAnalytics.setIgnoreCrash (idSite, idLogCrash, ignore = '1') [ No example available ]
- CrashAnalytics.getCrashSummary (idSite, idLogCrash) [ No example available ]
- CrashAnalytics.getCrashVisitContext (idLogCrash, idSite, period, date, segment = '', filter_limit = '5', filter_offset = '0', fetchRecentActions = '1') [ No example available ]
CrashAnalytics.getAllCrashes (idSite, filter_sort_column = 'datetime_last_seen', filter_sort_order = 'desc', filter_limit = '10', filter_offset = '0')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
CrashAnalytics.get (idSite, period, date, segment = '', columns = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getAllCrashMessages (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getCrashMessages (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getUnidentifiedCrashMessages (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getDisappearedCrashes (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getReappearedCrashes (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getNewCrashes (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getCrashesByPageUrl (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- CrashAnalytics.getCrashesForPageUrl (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
CrashAnalytics.getCrashesByPageTitle (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- CrashAnalytics.getCrashesForPageTitle (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
CrashAnalytics.getCrashesBySource (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- CrashAnalytics.getCrashesForSource (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
CrashAnalytics.getCrashesByCategory (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- CrashAnalytics.getCrashesForCategory (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
CrashAnalytics.getCrashesByFirstParty (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getCrashesByThirdParty (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
CrashAnalytics.getLastCrashesOverview (idSite, segment = '', lastMinutes = '30')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
CrashAnalytics.getLastTopCrashes (idSite, segment = '', lastMinutes = '30', filter_limit = '5')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
CrashAnalytics.getLastNewCrashes (idSite, segment = '', lastMinutes = '30', filter_limit = '10')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
CrashAnalytics.getLastReappearedCrashes (idSite, segment = '', lastMinutes = '30', filter_limit = '10')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
CrashAnalytics.getLastDisappearedCrashes (idSite, segment = '', lastMinutes = '30', filter_limit = '10')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module CustomAlerts
- CustomAlerts.getValuesForAlertInPast (idAlert, subPeriodN) [ No example available ]
CustomAlerts.getAlerts (idSites, ifSuperUserReturnAllAlerts = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- CustomAlerts.addAlert (name, idSites, period, emailMe, additionalEmails, phoneNumbers, metric, metricCondition, metricValue, comparedTo, reportUniqueId, reportCondition = '', reportValue = '') [ No example available ]
- CustomAlerts.editAlert (idAlert, name, idSites, period, emailMe, additionalEmails, phoneNumbers, metric, metricCondition, metricValue, comparedTo, reportUniqueId, reportCondition = '', reportValue = '') [ No example available ]
Module CustomDimensions
The Custom Dimensions API lets you manage and access reports for your configured Custom Dimensions.
- CustomDimensions.getCustomDimension (idDimension, idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '', idSubtable = '') [ No example available ]
- CustomDimensions.configureNewCustomDimension (idSite, name, scope, active, extractions = 'Array', caseSensitive = '1') [ No example available ]
- CustomDimensions.configureExistingCustomDimension (idDimension, idSite, name, active, extractions = 'Array', caseSensitive = '') [ No example available ]
CustomDimensions.getConfiguredCustomDimensions (idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- CustomDimensions.getConfiguredCustomDimensionsHavingScope (idSite, scope) [ No example available ]
CustomDimensions.getAvailableExtractionDimensions ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module CustomJsTracker
API for plugin CustomJsTracker
CustomJsTracker.doesIncludePluginTrackersAutomatically ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module CustomReports
Custom Reports API lets you 1) create custom reports within Matomo and 2) view the created reports in the Matomo Reporting UI or consume them via the API.
You can choose between different visualizations (eg table or evolution graph) and combine hundreds of dimensions and metrics to get the data you need.
- CustomReports.addCustomReport (idSite, name, reportType, metricIds, categoryId = '', dimensionIds = 'Array', subcategoryId = '', description = '', segmentFilter = '', multipleIdSites = 'Array') [ No example available ]
- CustomReports.updateCustomReport (idSite, idCustomReport, name, reportType, metricIds, categoryId = '', dimensionIds = 'Array', subcategoryId = '', description = '', segmentFilter = '', subCategoryReportIds = 'Array', multipleIdSites = 'Array') [ No example available ]
CustomReports.getConfiguredReports (idSite, skipCategoryMetadata = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- CustomReports.getConfiguredReport (idSite, idCustomReport) [ No example available ]
- CustomReports.deleteCustomReport (idSite, idCustomReport) [ No example available ]
- CustomReports.pauseCustomReport (idSite, idCustomReport) [ No example available ]
- CustomReports.resumeCustomReport (idSite, idCustomReport) [ No example available ]
- CustomReports.getCustomReport (idSite, period, date, idCustomReport, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '', idSubtable = '', columns = '') [ No example available ]
Module CustomVariables
The Custom Variables API lets you access reports for your
Custom Variables names and values.
CustomVariables.getCustomVariables (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- CustomVariables.getCustomVariablesValuesFromNameId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Module Dashboard
This API is the
Dashboard API: it gives information about dashboards.
Dashboard.getDashboards (login = '', returnDefaultIfEmpty = '1')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- Dashboard.createNewDashboardForUser (login, dashboardName = '', addDefaultWidgets = '1') [ No example available ]
- Dashboard.removeDashboard (idDashboard, login = '') [ No example available ]
- Dashboard.copyDashboardToUser (idDashboard, copyToUser, dashboardName = '') [ No example available ]
- Dashboard.resetDashboardLayout (idDashboard, login = '') [ No example available ]
Module DevicePlugins
The DevicePlugins API lets you access reports about device plugins such as browser plugins.
DevicePlugins.getPlugin (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module DevicesDetection
The DevicesDetection API lets you access reports on your visitors devices, brands, models, Operating system, Browsers.
DevicesDetection.getType (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
DevicesDetection.getBrand (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
DevicesDetection.getModel (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
DevicesDetection.getOsFamilies (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
DevicesDetection.getOsVersions (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
DevicesDetection.getBrowsers (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
DevicesDetection.getBrowserVersions (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
DevicesDetection.getBrowserEngines (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module Events
The Events API lets you request reports about your users' Custom Events. Events are tracked using the Javascript Tracker trackEvent() function, or using the [Tracking HTTP API](
An event is defined by an event category (Videos, Music, Games...), an event action (Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...), and an optional event name (a movie name, a song title, etc.) and an optional numeric value.
This API exposes the following Custom Events reports:
lists the top Event Categories,
lists the top Event Actions,
lists the top Event Names.
These Events report define the following metrics: nb_uniq_visitors, nb_visits, nb_events. If you define values for your events, you can expect to see the following metrics: nb_events_with_value, sum_event_value, min_event_value, max_event_value, avg_event_value
The Events.get* reports can be used with an optional
parameter. Secondary dimension is the dimension used in the sub-table of the Event report you are requesting.
Here are the possible values of
- For
you can set secondaryDimension
to eventAction
or eventName
. - For
you can set secondaryDimension
to eventName
or eventCategory
. - For
you can set secondaryDimension
to eventAction
or eventCategory
For example, to request all Custom Events Categories, and for each, the top Event actions, you would request:
. You may also omit
in which case, to get top Event actions for one Event category, use
passing it the
of this Event category.
Events.getCategory (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', secondaryDimension = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Events.getAction (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', secondaryDimension = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Events.getName (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', secondaryDimension = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Events.getActionFromCategoryId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- Events.getNameFromCategoryId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- Events.getCategoryFromActionId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- Events.getNameFromActionId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- Events.getActionFromNameId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- Events.getCategoryFromNameId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Module Feedback
API for plugin Feedback
- Feedback.sendFeedbackForFeature (featureName, like = '', choice = '', message = '') [ No example available ]
- Feedback.sendFeedbackForSurvey (question, message = '') [ No example available ]
Module FormAnalytics
Form Analytics API lets you 1) manage forms within Matomo and 2) request all your form analytics reports and metrics.
1) You can create, update, delete forms, as well as request any form and also
archive them.
2) Request all metrics and reports about how users interact with your forms:
- Form usage by page URL to see whether the same form is used differently on different pages.
- Entry fields to see where they start filling out your forms.
- Drop off fields to see where your users leave your forms.
- Field timings report to see where your users spent the most time.
- Field size report to see how much text your users type.
- Most corrected fields report to learn more about where users have problems filling out your form.
- Unneeded fields report to see which fields are often left blank.
- Several evolution reports of all metrics to see how your forms perform over time.
And the following metrics:
- How often was a form field interacted with (eg. focus or change).
- Which fields did your visitors interact with first when they started filling out a form.
- Which fields caused a visitor to stop filling out a form (drop offs).
- How often your visitors changed a form field or made amendments.
- How often a field was refocused or corrected (eg usage of backspace or delete key, cursor keys, …).
- How much text they type into each of your text fields.
- Which fields are unneeded and often left blank.
- How long visitors hesitated (waited) before they started changing a field.
- How much time your visitors spent on each field.
- FormAnalytics.addForm (idSite, name, description = '', matchFormRules = '', matchPageRules = '', conversionRuleOption = 'page_visit', conversionRules = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.updateForm (idSite, idForm, name, description = '', matchFormRules = '', matchPageRules = '', conversionRuleOption = 'page_visit', conversionRules = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getForm (idSite, idForm) [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getFormsByStatuses (idSite, statuses) [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.deleteForm (idSite, idForm) [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.archiveForm (idSite, idForm) [ No example available ]
FormAnalytics.get (idSite, period, date, idForm = '', segment = '', columns = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- FormAnalytics.getEntryFields (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getDropOffFields (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getPageUrls (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getFieldTimings (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getFieldSize (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getUneededFields (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getMostUsedFields (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.getFieldCorrections (idSite, period, date, idForm, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- FormAnalytics.updateFormFieldDisplayName (idSite, idForm, fields = 'Array') [ No example available ]
FormAnalytics.getCounters (idSite, lastMinutes, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
FormAnalytics.getCurrentMostPopularForms (idSite, lastMinutes, filter_limit = '5', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
FormAnalytics.getAvailableConversionRuleOptions ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module Funnels
API for plugin Funnels
Funnels.getMetrics (idSite, period, date, idFunnel = '', idGoal = '', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Funnels.getFunnelFlow (idSite, period, date, idFunnel = '', idGoal = '', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Funnels.getFunnelFlowTable (idSite, period, date, idFunnel = '', idGoal = '', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Funnels.getFunnelStepSubtable (idSite, period, date, stepPosition, idFunnel = '', idGoal = '', segment = '') [ No example available ]
- Funnels.getFunnelEntries (idSite, period, date, idFunnel, segment = '', step = '', expanded = '', idSubtable = '', flat = '') [ No example available ]
- Funnels.getFunnelExits (idSite, period, date, idFunnel, segment = '', step = '') [ No example available ]
- Funnels.getGoalFunnel (idSite, idGoal) [ No example available ]
- Funnels.getFunnel (int idSite, int idFunnel) [ No example available ]
- Funnels.deleteGoalFunnel (idSite, idGoal) [ No example available ]
- Funnels.deleteNonGoalFunnel (int idSite, int idFunnel) [ No example available ]
- Funnels.setGoalFunnel (idSite, idGoal, isActivated, steps) [ No example available ]
- Funnels.saveNonGoalFunnel (int idSite, int idFunnel, string funnelName, array steps) [ No example available ]
- Funnels.testUrlMatchesSteps (url, steps) [ No example available ]
Module Goals
Goals API lets you Manage existing goals, via "updateGoal" and "deleteGoal", create new Goals via "addGoal", or list existing Goals for one or several websites via "getGoals" If you are
tracking Ecommerce orders and products on your site, the functions "getItemsSku", "getItemsName" and "getItemsCategory" will return the list of products purchased on your site, either grouped by Product SKU, Product Name or Product Category. For each name, SKU or category, the following metrics are returned: Total revenue, Total quantity, average price, average quantity, number of orders (or abandoned carts) containing this product, number of visits on the Product page, Conversion rate. By default, these functions return the 'Products purchased'. These functions also accept an optional parameter &abandonedCarts=1. If the parameter is set, it will instead return the metrics for products that were left in an abandoned cart therefore not purchased. The API also lets you request overall Goal metrics via the method "get": Conversions, Visits with at least one conversion, Conversion rate and Revenue. If you wish to request specific metrics about Ecommerce goals, you can set the parameter &idGoal=ecommerceAbandonedCart to get metrics about abandoned carts (including Lost revenue, and number of items left in the cart) or &idGoal=ecommerceOrder to get metrics about Ecommerce orders (number of orders, visits with an order, subtotal, tax, shipping, discount, revenue, items ordered) See also the documentation about
Tracking Goals in Matomo.
- Goals.getGoal (idSite, idGoal) [ No example available ]
- Goals.addGoal (idSite, name, matchAttribute, pattern, patternType, caseSensitive = '', revenue = '', allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit = '', description = '', useEventValueAsRevenue = '') [ No example available ]
- Goals.updateGoal (idSite, idGoal, name, matchAttribute, pattern, patternType, caseSensitive = '', revenue = '', allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit = '', description = '', useEventValueAsRevenue = '') [ No example available ]
- Goals.deleteGoal (idSite, idGoal) [ No example available ]
Goals.getItemsSku (idSite, period, date, abandonedCarts = '', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Goals.getItemsName (idSite, period, date, abandonedCarts = '', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Goals.getItemsCategory (idSite, period, date, abandonedCarts = '', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Goals.get (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idGoal = '', columns = 'Array', showAllGoalSpecificMetrics = '', compare = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Goals.getDaysToConversion (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idGoal = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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Goals.getVisitsUntilConversion (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idGoal = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module HeatmapSessionRecording
API for plugin Heatmap & Session Recording. When you request activity data for a heatmap or a recorded session, please note that any X or Y coordinate, scroll reach position, and above the fold is relative and not absolute. X and Y coordinate are between 0 and 2000 and are relative to the selector where 2000 means the position is at 100% of the element, 1000 means the position is at 50% and 0 means the position is actually 0 pixel from the element. Scroll and above the fold positions are between 0 and 1000. If for example a web page is 3000 pixel high, and scroll reach is 100, it means the user has seen the content up to 300 pixels (10%, or 100 of 1000). We differentiate between two different IDs here: idSiteHsr represents the ID of a heatmap or session recording configuration idLogHsr represents the ID of an actually recorded / tracked session or heatmap activity
- HeatmapSessionRecording.addHeatmap (idSite, name, matchPageRules, sampleLimit = '1000', sampleRate = '5', excludedElements = '', screenshotUrl = '', breakpointMobile = '', breakpointTablet = '', captureDomManually = '') [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.updateHeatmap (idSite, idSiteHsr, name, matchPageRules, sampleLimit = '1000', sampleRate = '5', excludedElements = '', screenshotUrl = '', breakpointMobile = '', breakpointTablet = '', captureDomManually = '') [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.deleteHeatmapScreenshot (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.addSessionRecording (idSite, name, matchPageRules = 'Array', sampleLimit = '1000', sampleRate = '10', minSessionTime = '0', requiresActivity = '1', captureKeystrokes = '1') [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.updateSessionRecording (idSite, idSiteHsr, name, matchPageRules = 'Array', sampleLimit = '1000', sampleRate = '10', minSessionTime = '0', requiresActivity = '1', captureKeystrokes = '1') [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.getHeatmap (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.getSessionRecording (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.pauseHeatmap (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.resumeHeatmap (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.deleteHeatmap (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.endHeatmap (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.pauseSessionRecording (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.resumeSessionRecording (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.deleteSessionRecording (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.endSessionRecording (idSite, idSiteHsr) [ No example available ]
HeatmapSessionRecording.getHeatmaps (idSite, includePageTreeMirror = '1')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
HeatmapSessionRecording.getSessionRecordings (idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- HeatmapSessionRecording.getRecordedSessions (idSite, period, date, idSiteHsr, segment = '', idSubtable = '') [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.getRecordedSession (idSite, idSiteHsr, idLogHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.deleteRecordedSession (idSite, idSiteHsr, idVisit) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.deleteRecordedPageview (idSite, idSiteHsr, idLogHsr) [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.getRecordedHeatmapMetadata (idSite, period, date, idSiteHsr, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.getRecordedHeatmap (idSite, period, date, idSiteHsr, heatmapType, deviceType, segment = '') [ No example available ]
- HeatmapSessionRecording.getEmbedSessionInfo (idSite, idSiteHsr, idLogHsr) [ No example available ]
HeatmapSessionRecording.testUrlMatchPages (url, matchPageRules = 'Array')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
HeatmapSessionRecording.getAvailableTargetPageRules ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
HeatmapSessionRecording.getAvailableDeviceTypes ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
HeatmapSessionRecording.getAvailableHeatmapTypes ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
HeatmapSessionRecording.getAvailableSessionRecordingSampleLimits ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module ImageGraph
The ImageGraph.get API call lets you generate beautiful static PNG Graphs for any existing Matomo report. Supported graph types are: line plot, 2D/3D pie chart and vertical bar chart. A few notes about some of the parameters available:
- $graphType defines the type of graph plotted, accepted values are: 'evolution', 'verticalBar', 'pie' and '3dPie'
- $colors accepts a comma delimited list of colors that will overwrite the default Matomo colors
- you can also customize the width, height, font size, metric being plotted (in case the data contains multiple columns/metrics). See also
How to embed static Image Graphs? for more information.
ImageGraph.get (idSite, period, date, apiModule, apiAction, graphType = '', outputType = '0', columns = '', labels = '', showLegend = '1', width = '', height = '', fontSize = '9', legendFontSize = '', aliasedGraph = '1', idGoal = '', colors = '', textColor = '222222', backgroundColor = 'FFFFFF', gridColor = 'CCCCCC', idSubtable = '', legendAppendMetric = '1', segment = '', idDimension = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module Insights
API for plugin Insights
Insights.getInsightsOverview (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Insights.getMoversAndShakersOverview (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Insights.getMoversAndShakers (idSite, period, date, reportUniqueId, segment = '', comparedToXPeriods = '1', limitIncreaser = '4', limitDecreaser = '4') [ No example available ]
- Insights.getInsights (idSite, period, date, reportUniqueId, segment = '', limitIncreaser = '5', limitDecreaser = '5', filterBy = '', minImpactPercent = '2', minGrowthPercent = '20', comparedToXPeriods = '1', orderBy = 'absolute') [ No example available ]
Module LanguagesManager
The LanguagesManager API lets you access existing Matomo translations, and change Users languages preferences. "getTranslationsForLanguage" will return all translation strings for a given language, so you can leverage Matomo translations in your application (and automatically benefit from the
40+ translations!). This is mostly useful to developers who integrate Matomo API results in their own application. You can also request the default language to load for a user via "getLanguageForUser", or update it via "setLanguageForUser".
LanguagesManager.isLanguageAvailable (languageCode)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
LanguagesManager.getAvailableLanguagesInfo (excludeNonCorePlugins = '1')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
LanguagesManager.getTranslationsForLanguage (languageCode)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- LanguagesManager.getLanguageForUser (login) [ No example available ]
- LanguagesManager.setLanguageForUser (login, languageCode) [ No example available ]
- LanguagesManager.uses12HourClockForUser (login) [ No example available ]
- LanguagesManager.set12HourClockForUser (login, use12HourClock) [ No example available ]
Module Live
The Live! API lets you access complete visit level information about your visitors. Combined with the power of
Segmentation, you will be able to request visits filtered by any criteria. The method "getLastVisitsDetails" will return extensive
RAW data for each visit, which includes: server time, visitId, visitorId, visitorType (new or returning), number of pages, list of all pages (and events, file downloaded and outlinks clicked), custom variables names and values set to this visit, number of goal conversions (and list of all Goal conversions for this visit, with time of conversion, revenue, URL, etc.), but also other attributes such as: days since last visit, days since first visit, country, continent, visitor IP, provider, referrer used (referrer name, keyword if it was a search engine, full URL), campaign name and keyword, operating system, browser, type of screen, resolution, supported browser plugins (flash, java, silverlight, pdf, etc.), various dates & times format to make it easier for API users... and more! With the parameter
'&segment=' you can filter the returned visits by any criteria (visitor IP, visitor ID, country, keyword used, time of day, etc.). The method "getCounters" is used to return a simple counter: visits, number of actions, number of converted visits, in the last N minutes. See also the documentation about
Real time widget and visitor level reports in Matomo. You may also be interested in steps to
export your RAW data to a data warehouse.
Live.getCounters (idSite,
int lastMinutes, segment = '', showColumns = 'Array', hideColumns = 'Array')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Live.getLastVisitsDetails (idSite, period = '', date = '', segment = '', countVisitorsToFetch = '', minTimestamp = '', flat = '', doNotFetchActions = '', enhanced = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Live.getVisitorProfile (idSite, visitorId = '', segment = '', limitVisits = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Live.getMostRecentVisitorId (idSite, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Live.getMostRecentVisitsDateTime (idSite,
?string period,
?string date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module Login
API for plugin Login
Module MarketingCampaignsReporting
API for plugin MarketingCampaignsReporting
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getId (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getName (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- MarketingCampaignsReporting.getKeywordContentFromNameId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getKeyword (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getSource (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getMedium (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getContent (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getGroup (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getPlacement (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MarketingCampaignsReporting.getSourceMedium (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- MarketingCampaignsReporting.getNameFromSourceMediumId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Module MediaAnalytics
The MediaAnalytics API lets you request your reports about how your Video and Audio are accessed and viewed on your websites and apps. Some of the methods return Real Time information (similarly to the Live! API), while others return all your videos and audios and their key metrics.
The real time methods can return information about the last N minutes (or last N hours). They include the following:
- the method
returns the number of video plays (and audio plays) in the last N minutes - the method
returns the the total time users spent playing your media in the last N minutes - the method
returns the most popular videos in the last N minutes.
The other methods return the aggregated analytics reports for Video and Audio:
returns the overall metrics for your videos and audios: nb_plays, nb_unique_visitors_plays, nb_impressions, nb_unique_visitors_impressions, nb_finishes, sum_total_time_watched, sum_total_audio_plays, sum_total_audio_impressions, sum_total_video_plays, sum_total_video_impressions, play_rate, finish_rate, impression_rate
. getVideoTitles
and getAudioTitles
return the list of videos / audio by video title and audio title. getGroupedVideoResources
and getGroupedAudioResources
return the list of watched videos / audio grouped by resource URL. The "grouped media resource" report displays a flat report which includes both the domain and the path to the media resource, whereas the regular "media resource" report displays a hierarchical view of your media resources by domain. getVideoHours
and getAudioHours
return the list of videos / audio by by hour (to see how your media is consumed at a different time of the day). getVideoTitles
and getAudioTitles
return the list of videos / audio by video title and audio title. getVideoResolutions
return the list of videos by player resolution (see how your videos are consumed when the video resolution varies). getPlayers
return the watched media by media player.
MediaAnalytics.get (idSite, period, date, segment = '', columns = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getCurrentNumPlays (idSite, lastMinutes, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
MediaAnalytics.getCurrentSumTimeSpent (idSite, lastMinutes, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
MediaAnalytics.getCurrentMostPlays (idSite, lastMinutes, filter_limit = '5', segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
MediaAnalytics.getVideoResources (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '', secondaryDimension = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getAudioResources (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '', secondaryDimension = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getVideoTitles (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '', secondaryDimension = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getAudioTitles (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '', secondaryDimension = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getGroupedVideoResources (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '', secondaryDimension = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getGroupedAudioResources (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '', secondaryDimension = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getVideoHours (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getAudioHours (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getVideoResolutions (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MediaAnalytics.getPlayers (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module MobileMessaging
The MobileMessaging API lets you manage and access all the MobileMessaging plugin features including : - manage SMS API credential - activate phone numbers - check remaining credits - send SMS
- MobileMessaging.setSMSAPICredential (string provider, array credentials = 'Array') [ No example available ]
- MobileMessaging.addPhoneNumber (string phoneNumber) [ No example available ]
- MobileMessaging.resendVerificationCode (string phoneNumber) [ No example available ]
- MobileMessaging.removePhoneNumber (string phoneNumber) [ No example available ]
- MobileMessaging.validatePhoneNumber (string phoneNumber, string verificationCode) [ No example available ]
- MobileMessaging.setDelegatedManagement (bool delegatedManagement) [ No example available ]
Module MultiChannelConversionAttribution
Multi Channel Conversion Attribution API
- MultiChannelConversionAttribution.setGoalAttribution (idSite, idGoal, isEnabled) [ No example available ]
- MultiChannelConversionAttribution.getGoalAttribution (idSite, idGoal) [ No example available ]
- MultiChannelConversionAttribution.getChannelAttribution (idSite, period, date, idGoal, idCampaignDimensionCombination = '0', segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '', idSubtable = '') [ No example available ]
MultiChannelConversionAttribution.getAvailableCampaignDimensionCombinations ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
MultiChannelConversionAttribution.getSiteAttributionGoals (idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module MultiSites
The MultiSites API lets you request the key metrics (visits, page views, revenue) for all Websites in Matomo.
MultiSites.getAll (
string period,
string date,
?string segment,
bool enhanced = false,
?string pattern, showColumns = 'Array')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MultiSites.getOne (
int idSite,
string period,
string date,
?string segment,
bool enhanced = false)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
MultiSites.getAllWithGroups (
?string period,
?string date,
?string segment,
string pattern = '',
int filter_limit = '0')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module Overlay
Class API
Overlay.getFollowingPages (url, idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module PagePerformance
Module PrivacyManager
API for plugin PrivacyManager
- PrivacyManager.deleteDataSubjects (visits) [ No example available ]
- PrivacyManager.exportDataSubjects (visits) [ No example available ]
- PrivacyManager.findDataSubjects (idSite, segment) [ No example available ]
PrivacyManager.anonymizeSomeRawData (idSites, date, anonymizeIp = '', anonymizeLocation = '', anonymizeUserId = '', unsetVisitColumns = 'Array', unsetLinkVisitActionColumns = 'Array', passwordConfirmation = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
PrivacyManager.getAvailableVisitColumnsToAnonymize ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
PrivacyManager.getAvailableLinkVisitActionColumnsToAnonymize ()
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module Referrers
The Referrers API lets you access reports about Websites, Search engines, Keywords, Campaigns used to access your website. For example, "getKeywords" returns all search engine keywords (with
general analytics metrics for each keyword), "getWebsites" returns referrer websites (along with the full Referrer URL if the parameter &expanded=1 is set). "getReferrerType" returns the Referrer overview report. "getCampaigns" returns the list of all campaigns (and all campaign keywords if the parameter &expanded=1 is set).
Referrers.get (idSite, period, date, segment = '', columns = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getReferrerType (idSite, period, date, segment = '', typeReferrer = '', idSubtable = '', expanded = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getKeywords (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Referrers.getSearchEnginesFromKeywordId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Referrers.getSearchEngines (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Referrers.getCampaigns (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Referrers.getKeywordsFromCampaignId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Referrers.getWebsites (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Referrers.getUrlsFromWebsiteId (idSite, period, date, idSubtable, segment = '') [ No example available ]
Referrers.getSocials (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getUrlsForSocial (idSite, period, date, segment = '', idSubtable = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getNumberOfDistinctSearchEngines (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getNumberOfDistinctSocialNetworks (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getNumberOfDistinctKeywords (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getNumberOfDistinctCampaigns (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Referrers.getNumberOfDistinctWebsites (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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Referrers.getNumberOfDistinctWebsitesUrls (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module Resolution
Resolution.getResolution (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Resolution.getConfiguration (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module RollUpReporting
API for plugin RollUpReporting
- RollUpReporting.addRollUp (name, sourceIdSites, timezone, currency) [ No example available ]
RollUpReporting.updateRollUp (idSite, name = '', sourceIdSites = '', timezone = '', currency = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module SEO
The SEO API lets you access a list of SEO metrics for the specified URL: Bing indexed pages and age of the Domain name.
Module ScheduledReports
The ScheduledReports API lets you manage Scheduled Email reports, as well as generate, download or email any existing report. "generateReport" will generate the requested report (for a specific date range, website and in the requested language). "sendReport" will send the report by email to the recipients specified for this report. You can also get the list of all existing reports via "getReports", create new reports via "addReport", or manage existing reports with "updateReport" and "deleteReport". See also the documentation about
Scheduled Email reports in Matomo.
- ScheduledReports.addReport (idSite, description, period, hour, reportType, reportFormat, reports, parameters, idSegment = '', evolutionPeriodFor = 'prev', evolutionPeriodN = '', periodParam = '') [ No example available ]
- ScheduledReports.updateReport (idReport, idSite, description, period, hour, reportType, reportFormat, reports, parameters, idSegment = '', evolutionPeriodFor = 'prev', evolutionPeriodN = '', periodParam = '') [ No example available ]
- ScheduledReports.deleteReport (idReport) [ No example available ]
ScheduledReports.getReports (idSite = '', period = '', idReport = '', ifSuperUserReturnOnlySuperUserReports = '', idSegment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- ScheduledReports.generateReport (idReport, date, language = '', outputType = '', period = '', reportFormat = '', parameters = '') [ No example available ]
- ScheduledReports.sendReport (idReport, period = '', date = '', force = '') [ No example available ]
Module SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance API lets you download all your SEO search keywords from Google, Bing & Yahoo and Yandex, as well as getting a detailed overview of how search robots crawl your websites and any error they may encounter.
1) download all your search keywords as they were searched on Google, Bing & Yahoo and Yandex. This includes Google Images, Google Videos and Google News. This lets you view all keywords normally hidden from view behind "keyword not defined". With this plugin you can view them all!
2) download all crawling overview stats and metrics from Bring and Yahoo and Google. Many metrics are available such as: Crawled pages, Crawl errors, Connection timeouts, HTTP-Status Code 301 (Permanently moved), HTTP-Status Code 400-499 (Request errors), All other HTTP-Status Codes, Total pages in index, Robots.txt exclusion, DNS failures, HTTP-Status Code 200-299, HTTP-Status Code 301 (Temporarily moved), HTTP-Status Code 500-599 (Internal server errors), Malware infected sites, Total inbound links. \Plugins\SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywords (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsImported (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsGoogle (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsBing (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsYandex (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsGoogleWeb (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsGoogleImage (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsGoogleVideo (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getKeywordsGoogleNews (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getCrawlingOverviewBing (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getCrawlingOverviewYandex (idSite, period, date)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance.getCrawlingErrorExamplesBing (idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module SegmentEditor
The SegmentEditor API lets you add, update, delete custom Segments, and list saved segments.
SegmentEditor.isUserCanAddNewSegment (
?int idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- SegmentEditor.delete (int idSegment) [ No example available ]
- SegmentEditor.update (int idSegment, string name, string definition, idSite = '', bool autoArchive = false, bool enabledAllUsers = false) [ No example available ]
- SegmentEditor.add (string name, string definition, idSite = '', bool autoArchive = false, bool enabledAllUsers = false) [ No example available ]
- SegmentEditor.get (int idSegment) [ No example available ]
Module SitesManager
The SitesManager API gives you full control on Websites in Matomo (create, update and delete), and many methods to retrieve websites based on various attributes. This API lets you create websites via "addSite", update existing websites via "updateSite" and delete websites via "deleteSite". When creating websites, it can be useful to access internal codes used by Matomo for currencies via "getCurrencyList", or timezones via "getTimezonesList". There are also many ways to request a list of websites: from the website ID via "getSiteFromId" or the site URL via "getSitesIdFromSiteUrl". Often, the most useful technique is to list all websites that are known to a current user, based on the token_auth, via "getSitesWithAdminAccess", "getSitesWithViewAccess" or "getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess" (which returns both). Some methods will affect all websites globally: "setGlobalExcludedIps" will set the list of IPs to be excluded on all websites, "setGlobalExcludedQueryParameters" will set the list of URL parameters to remove from URLs for all websites. The existing values can be fetched via "getExcludedIpsGlobal" and "getExcludedQueryParametersGlobal". See also the documentation about
Managing Websites in Matomo.
SitesManager.getJavascriptTag (
int idSite,
string piwikUrl = '',
bool mergeSubdomains = false,
bool groupPageTitlesByDomain = false,
bool mergeAliasUrls = false,
array visitorCustomVariables = 'Array',
array pageCustomVariables = 'Array',
string customCampaignNameQueryParam = '',
string customCampaignKeywordParam = '',
bool doNotTrack = false,
bool disableCookies = false,
bool trackNoScript = false,
bool crossDomain = false,
bool forceMatomoEndpoint = false, excludedQueryParams = '', excludedReferrers = '',
bool disableCampaignParameters = false)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
SitesManager.getImageTrackingCode (idSite, piwikUrl = '', actionName = '', idGoal = '', revenue = '', forceMatomoEndpoint = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
SitesManager.getSitesWithAdminAccess (fetchAliasUrls = '', pattern = '', limit = '', sitesToExclude = 'Array')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
SitesManager.getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess (limit = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- SitesManager.addSite (siteName, urls = '', ecommerce = '', siteSearch = '', searchKeywordParameters = '', searchCategoryParameters = '', excludedIps = '', excludedQueryParameters = '', timezone = '', currency = '', group = '', startDate = '', excludedUserAgents = '', keepURLFragments = '', type = '', settingValues = '', excludeUnknownUrls = '', excludedReferrers = '') [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.deleteSite (idSite, passwordConfirmation = '') [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.addSiteAliasUrls (idSite, urls) [ No example available ]
SitesManager.setSiteAliasUrls (idSite, urls = 'Array')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- SitesManager.getIpsForRange (ipRange) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.setGlobalExcludedIps (excludedIps) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.setGlobalSearchParameters (searchKeywordParameters, searchCategoryParameters) [ No example available ]
SitesManager.getExcludedQueryParameters (
int idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- SitesManager.setGlobalExcludedUserAgents (excludedUserAgents) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.setGlobalExcludedReferrers (string excludedReferrers) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.setKeepURLFragmentsGlobal (enabled) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.setDefaultCurrency (defaultCurrency) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.setDefaultTimezone (defaultTimezone) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.setGlobalQueryParamExclusion (string exclusionType, ?string queryParamsToExclude) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.updateSite (idSite, siteName = '', urls = '', ecommerce = '', siteSearch = '', searchKeywordParameters = '', searchCategoryParameters = '', excludedIps = '', excludedQueryParameters = '', timezone = '', currency = '', group = '', startDate = '', excludedUserAgents = '', keepURLFragments = '', type = '', settingValues = '', excludeUnknownUrls = '', excludedReferrers = '') [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.getTimezoneName (timezone, countryCode = '', multipleTimezonesInCountry = '') [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.renameGroup (oldGroupName, newGroupName) [ No example available ]
- SitesManager.getPatternMatchSites (pattern, limit = '', sitesToExclude = 'Array') [ No example available ]
Module TagManager
API for plugin Tag Manager. Lets you configure all your containers, create, update and delete tags, triggers, and variables. Create and publish new releases, enable and disable preview/debug mode, and much more. Please note: A container may have several versions. The current version that a user is editing is called the "draft" version. You can get the ID of the "draft" version by calling {@link TagManager.getContainer}.
TagManager.getAvailableEnvironmentsWithPublishCapability (idSite)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- TagManager.getAvailableTagTypesInContext (idContext) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getAvailableTriggerTypesInContext (idContext) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getAvailableVariableTypesInContext (idContext) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerEmbedCode (idSite, idContainer, environment) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerInstallInstructions (idSite, idContainer, environment, jsFramework = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerTags (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.addContainerTag (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, type, name, parameters = 'Array', fireTriggerIds = 'Array', blockTriggerIds = 'Array', fireLimit = 'unlimited', fireDelay = '0', priority = '999', startDate = '', endDate = '', description = '', status = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.updateContainerTag (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTag, name, parameters = 'Array', fireTriggerIds = 'Array', blockTriggerIds = 'Array', fireLimit = 'unlimited', fireDelay = '0', priority = '999', startDate = '', endDate = '', description = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.deleteContainerTag (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTag) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.pauseContainerTag (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTag) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.resumeContainerTag (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTag) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerTag (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTag) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerTriggerReferences (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTrigger) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerTriggers (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.addContainerTrigger (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, type, name, parameters = 'Array', conditions = 'Array', description = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.updateContainerTrigger (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTrigger, name, parameters = 'Array', conditions = 'Array', description = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.deleteContainerTrigger (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTrigger) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerTrigger (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idTrigger) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerVariableReferences (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idVariable) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerVariables (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getAvailableContainerVariables (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.addContainerVariable (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, type, name, parameters = 'Array', defaultValue = '', lookupTable = 'Array', description = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.updateContainerVariable (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idVariable, name, parameters = 'Array', defaultValue = '', lookupTable = 'Array', description = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.deleteContainerVariable (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idVariable) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerVariable (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, idVariable) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.addContainer (idSite, context, name, description = '', ignoreGtmDataLayer = '0', isTagFireLimitAllowedInPreviewMode = '0', activelySyncGtmDataLayer = '0') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.updateContainer (idSite, idContainer, name, description = '', ignoreGtmDataLayer = '0', isTagFireLimitAllowedInPreviewMode = '0', activelySyncGtmDataLayer = '0') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.createContainerVersion (idSite, idContainer, name, description = '', idContainerVersion = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.updateContainerVersion (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, name, description = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerVersions (idSite, idContainer) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainerVersion (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.deleteContainerVersion (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.publishContainerVersion (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion, environment) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.deleteContainer (idSite, idContainer) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.getContainer (idSite, idContainer) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.enablePreviewMode (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.disablePreviewMode (idSite, idContainer) [ No example available ]
- TagManager.exportContainerVersion (idSite, idContainer, idContainerVersion = '') [ No example available ]
- TagManager.importContainerVersion (exportedContainerVersion, idSite, idContainer, backupName = '') [ No example available ]
Module Tour
API for Tour plugin which helps you getting familiar with Matomo.
- Tour.skipChallenge (id) [ No example available ]
Module Transitions
- Transitions.getTransitionsForPageTitle (string pageTitle, idSite, period, date, segment = '', limitBeforeGrouping = '0') [ No example available ]
Transitions.getTransitionsForPageUrl (
string pageUrl, idSite, period, date, segment = '', limitBeforeGrouping = '0')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- Transitions.getTransitionsForAction (string actionName, string actionType, idSite, period, date, segment = '', limitBeforeGrouping = '0', parts = 'all') [ No example available ]
Module TwoFactorAuth
TwoFactorAuth.resetTwoFactorAuth (userLogin, passwordConfirmation = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module UserCountry
The UserCountry API lets you access reports about your visitors' Countries and Continents.
UserCountry.getCountry (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
UserCountry.getContinent (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
UserCountry.getLocationFromIP (ip = '', provider = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- UserCountry.setLocationProvider (providerId) [ No example available ]
UserCountry.getNumberOfDistinctCountries (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module UserId
API for plugin UserId. Allows to get User IDs table.
Module UserLanguage
The UserLanguage API lets you access reports about your Visitors language setting
UserLanguage.getLanguage (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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UserLanguage.getLanguageCode (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module UsersFlow
API for Users Flow. The API lets you explore details about how your users or visitors navigate through your website.
UsersFlow.getUsersFlowPretty (idSite, period, date, segment = '', expanded = '', flat = '', idSubtable = '', dataSource = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
UsersFlow.getUsersFlow (idSite, period, date, limitActionsPerStep = '5', exploreStep = '', exploreUrl = '', segment = '', expanded = '', dataSource = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
- UsersFlow.getInteractionActions (idSite, period, date, interactionPosition, offsetActionsPerStep = '', segment = '', idSubtable = '', dataSource = '') [ No example available ]
Module UsersManager
The UsersManager API lets you Manage Users and their permissions to access specific websites. You can create users via "addUser", update existing users via "updateUser" and delete users via "deleteUser". There are many ways to list users based on their login "getUser" and "getUsers", their email "getUserByEmail", or which users have permission (view or admin) to access the specified websites "getUsersWithSiteAccess". Existing Permissions are listed given a login via "getSitesAccessFromUser", or a website ID via "getUsersAccessFromSite", or you can list all users and websites for a given permission via "getUsersSitesFromAccess". Permissions are set and updated via the method "setUserAccess". See also the documentation about
Managing Users in Matomo.
- UsersManager.setUserPreference (userLogin, preferenceName, preferenceValue) [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.getUserPreference (preferenceName, userLogin = '') [ No example available ]
UsersManager.getUsersPlusRole (idSite, limit = '', offset = '0', filter_search = '', filter_access = '', filter_status = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
UsersManager.getUsersWithSiteAccess (idSite, access)
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
UsersManager.getSitesAccessForUser (userLogin, limit = '', offset = '0', filter_search = '', filter_access = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- UsersManager.getUserByEmail (userEmail) [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.addUser (userLogin, password, email, initialIdSite = '', passwordConfirmation = '') [ No example available ]
UsersManager.inviteUser (userLogin, email, initialIdSite = '', expiryInDays = '', passwordConfirmation = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
- UsersManager.setSuperUserAccess (userLogin, hasSuperUserAccess, passwordConfirmation = '') [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.updateUser (userLogin, password = '', email = '', passwordConfirmation = '') [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.deleteUser (userLogin, passwordConfirmation = '') [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.userEmailExists (userEmail) [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.getUserLoginFromUserEmail (userEmail) [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.setUserAccess (userLogin, access, idSites, passwordConfirmation = '') [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.addCapabilities (userLogin, capabilities, idSites) [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.removeCapabilities (userLogin, capabilities, idSites) [ No example available ]
- UsersManager.createAppSpecificTokenAuth (userLogin, passwordConfirmation, description, expireDate = '', expireHours = '0') [ No example available ]
UsersManager.resendInvite (userLogin, expiryInDays = '7', passwordConfirmation = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
UsersManager.generateInviteLink (userLogin, expiryInDays = '7', passwordConfirmation = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
Module VisitFrequency
VisitFrequency API lets you access a list of metrics related to Returning Visitors.
VisitFrequency.get (idSite, period, date, segment = '', columns = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module VisitTime
VisitTime API lets you access reports by Hour (Server time), and by Hour Local Time of your visitors.
VisitTime.getVisitInformationPerLocalTime (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
VisitTime.getVisitInformationPerServerTime (idSite, period, date, segment = '', hideFutureHoursWhenToday = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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Module VisitorInterest
VisitorInterest API lets you access two Visitor Engagement reports: number of visits per number of pages, and number of visits per visit duration.
VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerPage (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
Module VisitsSummary
VisitsSummary API lets you access the core web analytics metrics (visits, unique visitors, count of actions (page views & downloads & clicks on outlinks), time on site, bounces and converted visits.
VisitsSummary.get (idSite, period, date, segment = '', columns = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days
VisitsSummary.getVisits (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getUniqueVisitors (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getUsers (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getActions (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getMaxActions (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getBounceCount (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getVisitsConverted (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getSumVisitsLength (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
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VisitsSummary.getSumVisitsLengthPretty (idSite, period, date, segment = '')
[ Example in
Tsv (Excel)
, RSS of the last 10 days