

Nonce class.

A cryptographic nonce -- "number used only once" -- is often recommended as part of a robust defense against cross-site request forgery (CSRF/XSRF). This class provides static methods that create and manage nonce values.

Nonces in Matomo (formerly Piwik) are stored as a session variable and have a configurable expiration.

Learn more about nonces here.


The class defines the following methods:


Returns an existing nonce by ID. If none exists, a new nonce will be generated.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):
    • $id (string) — Unique id to avoid namespace conflicts, e.g., 'ModuleName.ActionName'.
    • $ttl (int) — Optional time-to-live in seconds; default is 5 minutes. (ie, in 5 minutes, the nonce will no longer be valid).
  • It returns a string value.


Returns if a nonce is valid and comes from a valid request.

A nonce is valid if it matches the current nonce and if the current nonce has not expired.

The request is valid if the referrer is a local URL (see Url::isLocalUrl()) and if the HTTP origin is valid (see getAcceptableOrigins()).


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $id (string) — The nonce's unique ID. See getNonce().
    • $cnonce (string) — Nonce sent from client.
    • $allowedReferrerHost (null|string) — The allowed referrer host for the HTTP referrer URL.
  • Returns: booltrue if valid; false otherwise.


Returns an error message, if any of the individual checks fails.

A nonce must match the current nonce and must not be expired.

If a referrer is present, it must match $allowedReferrerHost. The exception is a referrer that resolves to local, which is allowed if $allowedReferrerHost is empty. If a referrer is not present, then $allowedReferrerHost is ignored.

The HTTP origin must be valid (see getAcceptableOrigins()).


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $id (string) — The nonce's unique ID. See getNonce().
    • $cnonce (string) — Nonce sent from client.
    • $allowedReferrerHost (string|null) — The allowed referrer for the HTTP referrer URL. See method description.
  • Returns: string — if empty is valid otherwise return error message



  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $referrer

    • $allowedReferrerHost

  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Force expiration of the current nonce.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):
    • $id (string) — The unique nonce ID.
  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Returns the Origin HTTP header or false if not found.


  • Returns: string|bool


Returns a list acceptable values for the HTTP Origin header.


  • It returns a array value.


Verifies and discards a nonce.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $nonceName

    • $nonce

    • $allowedReferrerHost

  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.

  • It throws one of the following exceptions:
    • Exception — if the nonce is invalid. See {@link verifyNonce()}.