
If you want to provide your visitors with the choice to opt-out of Matomo tracking rather than asking for consent then Matomo includes a built-in opt-out form that you can add to your website.

This involves adding a small snippet of HTML/JavaScript to the appropriate pages on your site. This code can be generated from the Administration => Privacy => Users opt-out menu in the Matomo dashboard. The generated code can include custom CSS styles and optionally skip the introduction text.

The opt-out form code can be generated to work in two ways, either using the Matomo tracker code or as self-contained code, each option has advantages and disadvantages.

Opt-out using the Matomo JavaScript Tracker code

Using this option the embedded opt-out form code will load Javascript from your Matomo instance, this JavaScript will then create the opt-out form in the designated <div> container. If the visitor opts in or out then the Matomo tracking code functions will be preferred to set the consent choice.

In order for the Matomo JavaScript tracking code to be used by the opt-out it must also be loaded by the same page. A common approach is to add both the opt-out form and Matomo JavaScript tracker to the website's Privacy Policy page. If it is not possible to load the Matomo JavaScript tracker on the privacy policy page then you can either use the self-contained opt-out form instead or add the useCookieTimeout=0 URL parameter to avoid waiting for the JavaScript tracker to load.


  • The embedded website <script> tag requests the optOutJS JavaScript from the Matomo instance, passing admin configuration options as URL parameters.
  • The Matomo instance translates all form text into the chosen language, or the browser language if language=auto is used, and returns the resulting JavaScript.
  • The opt-out JavaScript executes when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired, indicating the page has finished loading.
  • It checks that the specified opt-out form div exists on the page, and shows an error if not.
  • It then waits for the Matomo Tracker code to become available.
    • If the Matomo tracker code is found then the opt-out form is created to use the Matomo tracker code to set consent.
    • If the Matomo Tracker code does not become available within the timeout period then the opt-out form will be created to set consent cookies directly.
  • If cookies are disabled in the browser or the connection is not HTTPS then an error will be shown.


The embedded opt-out form code to add to the website page is simple:

<div id="matomo-opt-out"></div>
<script src="https://my-matomo-site.org/index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=optOutJS&div=matomo-opt-out></script>\

The opt-out div may be positioned anywhere on the page and can have its own styling. If the div is created dynamically then it must exist when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.

Opt-out form configuration options can be passed as URL parameters, the following options are available:

  • div Specify the id of the div tag in which the opt-out form will be created.
  • language Override the language used to display the opt-out form text, by default the value auto is used which will automatically determine the language to use based on the browser. To force a particular language pass language code such as 'de' or 'en'.
  • showIntro Set to 1 if the opt-out form should include text explaining the opt-out choice, set to 0 if the form should just show the checkbox.
  • useCookiesIfNoTracker Fall back to setting consent cookies directly if the Matomo tracking code cannot be found on the page, defaults to 1. If this is set to 0 and the Matomo tracking code cannot be found then the opt-out form will not be shown.
  • useCookiesTimeout How long to wait for the Matomo tracking code to become available before giving up and setting consent cookies directly, defaults to 10 seconds.
  • cookiePath Override the default path for Matomo setting consent cookies, should be blank for most websites.
  • cookieDomain Override the default domain for Matomo setting consent cookies, should be blank for most websites.

Only used if applying a custom style: - backgroundColor The background colour to apply to the opt-out form div. - fontColor Colour of the font, eg. #ABCDEF - fontSize Font size in pixels. - fontFamily Font family name, eg. Arial

Any custom cookie settings for cookie_path and cookie_domain will automatically be applied from the [Tracker] section of config.ini.php.


  • Language translations are done server side.
  • The embed code is small and simple.
  • The opt-out JavaScript is served by the Matomo instance, so any future updates to this script will automatically be applied without needing to update the website embed code.
  • Uses the Matomo tracker code to set the opt-out consent.


  • Loading the opt-out JavaScript remotely from the Matomo instance may be blocked by browser plugins or adblockers, preventing the opt-out from being shown.

When should I choose this opt-out form type?

When ease of deployment, maintenance and automatic language translation are more important than 100% visitor coverage.

Opt-out using Self-contained code

Using this option the embedded opt-out form code will contain all the JavaScript necessary to show the opt-out form and set consent cookies directly. No remote script calls will be made.


  • The embedded website <script> tag contains around 110 lines of JavaScript.
  • The script executes when the DomCOntentLoaded event is fired, indicating the page has finished loading.
  • It checks that the specified opt-out form div exists on the page, if not then an error is shown.
  • The opt-out form is created to set consent cookies directly.
  • If cookies are disabled in the browser or the connection is not HTTPS then an error will be shown.


The embedded opt-out form code to add to the website page is quite long. Customizable options are in the first few lines:

<div id="matomo-opt-out"></div>
     var settings = {"showIntro":true,"divId":"matomo-opt-out","cookiePath":"","cookieDomain":"","cookieSameSite":"Lax","OptOutComplete":"Opt-out complete","snip":"snip"};

     ... other JavaScript code removed for clarity ...


Just like other opt-out form type, the opt-out div may be positioned anywhere on the page and can have its own styling. If the div is created dynamically then it must exist when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.

The third line of code contains an array of settings which may be used to configure the self-contained opt-out form.

  • divId Specify the id of the div tag in which the opt-out form will be created.
  • showIntro Set to 1 if the opt-out form should include text explaining the opt-out choice, set to 0 if the form should just show the checkbox.
  • cookiePath Override the default path for Matomo setting consent cookies, should be blank for most websites.
  • cookieDomain Override the default domain for Matomo setting consent cookies, should be blank for most websites.
  • cookieSameSite Defaults to setting Matomo consent cookies same-site attribute as Lax, some sites may want to set this to strict if the Matomo instance is hosted on the same domain as the website.

Since the self-contained opt-out code does not make any requests to the Matomo instance, dynamic translation of text strings is not possible. When generating the self-contained embedded code from the Matomo administration UI a target language can be chosen and the appropriate translations are included in the settings array.

Translation strings:

  • OptOutComplete
  • OptOutCompleteBis
  • YouMayOptOut2
  • YouMayOptOut3
  • OptOutErrorNoCookies
  • OptOutErrorNotHttps
  • YouAreNotOptedOut
  • UncheckToOptOut
  • YouAreOptedOut
  • CheckToOptIn


  • Unlikely to be blocked by browser plugins or ad blockers, since all code is served from the website domain and there are no remote scripts or resources.
  • Easy to directly customize the opt-out form language.


  • Embed code is not small.
  • Only supports a single language translation.
  • Any future changes to the JavaScript code would need to be updated manually each webpage embedding opt-out form.

When should I choose this opt-out form type?

When the opt-out must work for visitors who block third party scripts and domains.

Testing your opt-out

It's important to test the opt-out form once it has been added to your site. Each website is different and there is always the possibility that existing scripts on the page may interfere with the opt-out form code or that other incompatibilities exist.

To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt-out code.

  • Browse to the website page with the opt-out form.
  • Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.
  • Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.
  • Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.

Legacy iFrame Opt-out

Prior to version 4.12 Matomo provided the option to generate embed code for an iFrame based opt-out form. This has now been removed as it relied on setting third party cookies which is no longer supported by major browsers. Although it is no longer possible to generate new iFrame embed code using the Matomo UI, the underlying OptOut method is still fully supported and any existing iFrame opt-out form code embedded in websites will still work as before.

It is recommended to migrate to one of the new opt-out form options as browser support for the iFrame opt-out will continue to decrease.

Creating a custom opt-out form

Wanting to build your own custom opt-out form instead using one of the provided opt-out options? Check out the guide for creating a custom opt-out form.