Sending Emails

Sometimes in Matomo or your plugin you'll want to send an email notifying one or more users of something happening, or providing them some useful or relevant information. In the code, this is done using the Mail class.

This guide provides a brief description on how best to do that.

The Mail class

All mail sending functionality in Matomo goes through the Mail class, which in turn uses the PHPMailer library.

Using the class is straightforward:

$mail = new \Piwik\Mail();
$mail->addTo($targetEmail, 'Matomo User');

You can set the body of the email to be custom HTML or just plaintext, but it is better to use the setWrappedHtmlBody() method, as this will surround the text in Matomo branding.

The Mail Subclass Pattern

It is possible to use the Mail class directly to send emails. Currently however, there is a pattern of creating a new class for every type of email that derives from Mail, like so:

class MySpecialEmail extends \Piwik\Mail
     * @var string
    private $login;

     * @var string
    private $emailAddress;

     * @var int
    private $idSite;

    public function __construct($login, $emailAddress, $idSite)

        $this->login = $login;
        $this->emailAddress = $emailAddress;
        $this->idSite = $idSite;


    private function setUpEmail()
        $siteName = Site::getNameFor($this->idSite);

        $this->setSubject(Piwik::translate('MyPlugin_MySpecialEmailSubject', [$siteName]));
        $this->addReplyTo($this->getFrom(), $this->getFromName());

    protected function getDefaultBodyView()
        $view = new View('@MyPlugin\_mySpecialemail.twig');
        $view->login = $this->login;
        $view->emailAddress = $this->emailAddress;
        $view->siteName = Site::getNameFor($this->idSite);
        return $view;

Encapsulating the logic to setup the email reduces the amount of code required to send the email, and allows us to send it in multiple places, without having to duplicate code:

$login = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();

$userModel = new \Piwik\Plugins\UsersManager\Model();
$user = $userModel->getUser($login);
$emailAddress = $user['email'];

$idSite = Common::getRequestVar('idSite');

$mail = new MySpecialEmail($login, $emailAddress, $idSite);