Reporting HTTP API

About this guide

Read this guide if

  • you'd like to know how Matomo (formerly Piwik)'s Reporting API works and how your plugin can extend it
  • you'd like to know what Matomo's Reporting API does to data before it is served
  • you'd like to know what output formats can be used to view data that is returned from the Reporting API
  • you'd like to know about query parameters that are used by the Reporting API to transform analytics data

Guide assumptions

This guide assumes that you:

  • can code in PHP,
  • understand how reports are stored in memory (if not read the Reports guide),
  • and have a general understanding of extending Matomo (if not, read our Getting Started guide).

The Reporting API

Piwik's Reporting API allows third party applications to access analytics data and manipulate miscellaneous data (anything other than reports or tracked data) through HTTP requests.

API Requests

Every HTTP API request to the API.index controller method will be handled by the Reporting API. Valid requests must have a query parameter named method that references the API method to invoke, for example, UserSettings.getBrowser.

API requests are processed in the following way:

  1. The API::index() controller method creates a Piwik\API\Request instance and uses it to dispatch the API request.
  2. The Request instance uses the method query parameter to determine which plugin and API method to use.
  3. The Request instance invokes the plugin's API method using query parameters as arguments. Query parameters with the same name as method parameters will be passed to the method. For example, idSite query parameter will be passed as the $idSite method parameter.
  4. The Request instance uses a ResponseBuilder instance to process the result of the API method and convert it into the desired output format.
  5. The output is returned to the API::index() controller method and is sent as the HTTP response.

API methods

The Reporting API invokes methods that are found in each plugin's API class. However, the following methods cannot be called from the HTTP API:

  • private and protected methods
  • methods whose documentation contain a @ignore tag

Query parameters are passed as method parameters. So API methods must assume method parameters will be string or array values. Objects are not allowed as parameters.

Methods are only allowed to return the following values:

Note: When returning DataTable or DataTable\Map instances, filters will need to applied. Make sure to queue filters that are used for presentation purposes and directly apply other ones.

If a method throws an exception its message will appear in the output. The stack trace can be displayed during debugging by changing ResponseBuilder::DISPLAY_BACKTRACE_DEBUG to true.

You can see the list of all API methods your Matomo install exposes: click the API link in the top menu. See the demo's list here.

Extra report processing

Reports returned by API methods (i.e. DataTable or DataTable\Map instances) are processed before being outputted.

A set of DataTable\BaseFilter are executed on the reports based on the values of certain query parameters.

This is the list of filters in the order in which they are applied:

  1. Flattener: Merges an entire DataTable hierarchy into one DataTable, adding rows of subtables to their parent rows.
    • flat: set to 1 to apply the filter
  2. Pattern: Removes rows of a DataTable that do not match a regex pattern.
    • filter_pattern: regular expression (the filter is applied if set)
    • filter_column: column to apply the regex pattern to (label column by default)
  3. PatternRecursive: Removes rows of a DataTable for which the row and all subtables of the row do not match a regex pattern.
    • filter_pattern_recursive: regular expression (the filter is applied if set)
    • filter_column_recursive: column to apply the regex pattern to (label column by default)
  4. ExcludeLowPopulation: Removes all rows that contain a specific column whose value is lower than a minimum threshold value.
    • filter_excludelowpop: column to filter (the filter is applied if set)
    • filter_excludelowpop_value: minimum threshold value (defaults to 0)
  5. AddColumnsProcessedMetrics: Adds some universal processed metrics to each row of the report.
    • filter_add_columns_when_show_all_columns: set to 1 to apply the filter
  6. AddColumnsProcessedMetricsGoal: Adds processed metrics to each row for each goal of a site.
    • filter_update_columns_when_show_all_goals: set to 1 to apply the filter
    • idGoal: ID of a goal or one of these special values:
      • AddColumnsProcessedMetricsGoal::GOALS_OVERVIEW (default): adds metrics for the goals overview and not individual goals
      • AddColumnsProcessedMetricsGoal::GOALS_MINIMAL_REPORT: add just one metric: revenue_per_visit (no per-goal metrics will be added)
      • AddColumnsProcessedMetricsGoal::GOALS_FULL_TABLE: displays per-goal metrics for every goal of the site including the ecommerce goal
    • filter_show_goal_columns_process_goals: Includes process goals using goal identifiers. Metrics are exported to additional columns for the specified goals and in the respective order listed.
  7. Sort: Sorts the rows.
    • filter_sort_column: column to sort (the filter is applied if set)
    • filter_sort_order: 'desc' or 'asc'
  8. Truncate: Removes all rows after a certain row index.
    • filter_truncate: row number after which rows should be removed (the filter is applied if set)
  9. Limit: Removes rows not within a certain row index range.
    • filter_limit: size of the range (the filter is applied if set)
    • filter_offset: starting row index of the range
    • keep_summary_row: if set to 1, the summary row is kept in the report
  10. SafeDecodeLabel: Urldecodes and then sanitizes label column values. This filter is always applied.
  11. Queued Filters: All of a DataTable's queued filters are applied at this point.
    • disable_queued_filters: if set to 1, queued filters will not be applied
  12. ColumnDelete: Removes columns based on an exclusion or inclusion list.
    • hideColumns or showColumns: comma separated list of column names to hide or keep (the filter is applied if one is set)
  13. LabelFilter: This filter will remove all rows except the one (or ones) specified by the label query parameter. Only applied if the label query parameter is set.
    • label: can be a single value or a path to a row in a subtable. To descend into subtables, the value should contain the > character, for example, urldir>urlsubdir>index. Can also be an array of values, for example, label[]=arg1&label[]=arg2.

Other special query parameters

There are some other special query parameters that affect the way reports are processed:

  • disable_generic_filters: If set to 1, the filters numbered 2 - 9 above will not be applied. Defaults to 0 so if this parameter is absent, the filters will be applied.
  • format: Determines the output format of the return value. This affects all return values regardless of whether it is a report or a scalar value.

Output formats

The output of a Reporting API request is a serialized string of the API method's return value. The format of this string is determined by the value of the format query parameter. Currently Matomo supports the following output formats:

There is a special output format value, original, that can be used when requesting data from within Matomo using Piwik\API\Request. This format will force the result to be returned as unprocessed and unserialized data. It should only be used when calling the API within Matomo in PHP.

Note: The Request::processRequest() method automatically uses the original format, so in most cases you won't need to specify format=original.

Special API Methods

Some of the API methods in the API plugin have special meaning and uses:

Report Metadata

The API.getMetadata, API.getReportMetadata and API.getProcessedReport API methods can be used to get information about one or all reports. The information includes the metrics contained in the report, documentation for those metrics and more.

These methods can be used by third party applications that provide an interface to the analytics stored by Matomo:

  • API.getReportMetadata returns metadata for every report, it can be used to get a list of all available reports for a website
  • API.getMetadata can be used to get more information about a single report
  • API.getProcessedReport can be used to get the metadata of a single report along with the report's data.

Report metadata can also be used within Matomo for features that operate on report(s) specified by the user. For example, the ImageGraph plugin, which outputs an image of a graph using report data, uses report metadata values as hints for how to draw the output graph. The ScheduledReports plugin also uses report metadata in a similar way.

Row Evolution

Matomo's row evolution feature that is available through the UI is also available through the Reporting API. Third party applications can use the API.getRowEvolution method to get both single row evolution data or multi-row evolution data.

Bulk API Requests

Like the Tracking API, the Reporting API supports bulk requests. A bulk request allows applications to invoke and retrieve the results for multiple API methods with one HTTP request. This can be used to save time in applications that query the Matomo HTTP API.

To send a bulk request, send an HTTP request to the API.getBulkRequest API method. The only required query parameter is named urls. It should be an array of individual API request URLs. For example:[]=module%3DAPI%26method%3DVisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration%26format%3DXML%26idSite%3D62%26period%3Dday%26date%3D2013-11-24%26expanded%3D1&urls[]=module%3DAPI%26method%3DUserSettings.getBrowser%26format%3DXML%26idSite%3D7%26period%3Dday%26date%3D2013-11-24%26expanded%3D1

This example uses the following API requests:

  • module=API&method=UserSettings.getBrowser&format=XML&idSite=62&period=day&date=2013-11-24&expanded=1
  • module=API&method=VisitorInterest.getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration&format=XML&idSite=62&period=day&date=2013-11-24&expanded=1

Note: The separate API methods are executed synchronously, so for long-running API methods, using a bulk request may be a bad idea.

Other Methods

  • API.get: Calls the get API method of all loaded plugins that support it and merges the result. The get methods all output the metrics that the plugin archives, so the result of API.get is the set of values for every metric your Matomo install supports (for the specified website & period).
  • API.getSegmentDimensionMetadata: Returns metadata for every supported segment dimension. The following information is returned for each segment dimension:
    • type: The type of segment dimension.
    • category: A translated string that describes the segment dimension's category.
    • name: A translated string or a translation token that describes the segment dimension itself.
    • segment: The segment dimension's ID. This is what gets used in segment expressions.
    • acceptedValues: A string that describes what values should be used with the segment dimension.
    • sqlSegment: The table column the segment dimension operates on, for example, log_visit.idvisitor.
    • sqlFilterValue: An optional PHP callback that transforms the value supplied in a segment expression before it is used in an SQL expression.
    • permission: Whether the current user can use this segment dimension.
  • API.getSuggestedValuesForSegment: Returns a list of values that can be used with a specified segment dimension.
  • API.getLogoUrl: Returns a URL to the Matomo logo.
  • API.getHeaderLogoUrl: Returns a URL to a smaller version of the Matomo logo.

Learn more

  • To learn how API classes are used internally read our Matomo APIs guide.
  • To learn about how to calculate a report read our Reports guide.